
A plan was developed to introduce new PPP tools

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The plan contains mechanisms for solving the main problematic issues of PPP. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken" in cooperation with the Ministry of National Economy of the RK, the Ministry of Health of the RK, Kaz Center of PPP developed and approved the Plan of measures on introduction of new PPP tools within the framework of the instructions of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Sagintayev concerning measures to activate mechanisms of public-private partnership. The plan was signed by the deputy heads of four departments: First Deputy Minister of National Economy Dalenov R. Ye., Vice Minister of Education and Science Asylova B.A., Vice Minister of Health Aktaeva L.M., Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Yakupbaeva Yu. K. Within the framework of the Working Group with the participation of representatives of Atameken, active work is underway on urgent amendments to the legislation in the part of the state order, which have already been submitted to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for consideration. The action plan contains mechanisms for addressing key PPP issues. Adoption of measures on legislative regulation of issues:

  1. Implementation of "Program PPP";
  2.  Provision of state long-term order over 3 years.
  3. Implementation of PPP pilot projects within the framework of the PPP Program.
  4. Development of a mechanism for covering the risks of currency fluctuations for the investor.
  5. Development of the issue of collateral for PPP projects.
  6. Proposals to expand the list of cost elements included in the compensation of investment and operating costs.
  7. Development of amendments to the RLAs on the issue of tariff formation.

The project of "PPP Program" is also being discussed. At the moment, NCE continues to collect offers. In this connection, we place the draft of "PPP Program". Please send comments and suggestions to the contact person Uzalina Nazgul, telephone 919758, e-mail

Plan of measures for the implementation of new PPP tools (link)

Draft of " PPP Program" (link)

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