
"Ancient" problems of the construction sector are on the agenda

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Concrete decisions will be made to solve the problems of the construction industry. On 22nd of June 2017, at NCE RK “Atameken” was held a meeting of the Committee of Construction, Construction Materials and Utilities of NCE “Atameken” with the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Board, Yeldos Ramazanov, the Vice Minister for Investment and Development Roman Sklyar, chairman of the Committee on Construction Affairs and utilities Markhabat Zhaymbetov, as well as heads of the main structural subdivisions of this department. The Chairman of the Construction Committee, Alexander Belovich, announced the main directions, on which "Atameken" currently works.

"These are issues such as the desirability of developing a draft Town Planning Code, minimizing the control and supervision activities on the part of GASK, anti-dumping measures for public procurement in construction, optimizing the procedure for granting rights to land for construction, and others", - the Committee Chairman Alexander Belovich said. The Board of the National Chamber, executing the instructions of Timur Kulibayev, the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken", during the working trips to the regions, on 6th of June 2017, organized a meeting to address the problematic issues of the sectors with the participation of the Chairman of the Board, Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the Minister for Investment and Development, Zhenys Kasymbek, and also representatives of the ministries of finance and national economy, association leaders. As a result, it was decided to create 9 working groups on the main sectors of the economy. One of the first started a working group on the development of construction, urban development and architecture. The schedule of work was approved at this meeting by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov and the Deputy Minister for Investments and Development Roman Sklyar.

 Roman Sklyar reported on the work of state bodies on key issues, discussed during a series of meetings between MID RK and NCE. In particular, he commented on the development of the Town Planning Code.

"The proposal was supported by us. It is necessary to go through all the prescribed procedures, namely the development of the concept to the code. Each phase of the work will be discussed with the professional community", - the vice minister assured. In turn, the chairman of the Committee on construction affairs and utilities, Marhabat Zhayimbetov, also supported the proposal of the Chamber and expressed readiness for joint study.

Individual members of the Committee made speeches on selected issues. Thus, vice-president of the Association of Designers Serik Rustambekov commented on the lack of a category of licenses for exploration activities and commented on the poor preparation of technical requirements for the design by customers.

"The Association is ready to revise the standard technical specifications for design, fixed in the sanitary rules", - Serik Rustambekov suggested. Chairman of the Union of Builders of Kazakhstan Talgat Ergaliyev raised the issue of inspections of the GASK bodies, which need to be streamlined, in particular in Astana, GASK carries out functions unusual for them, calling them levers in the hands of the LEB. Also at the meeting, the Chairman of the Construction Committee Alexander Belovich raised the issue that monopolists, when connected to external engineering networks, make demands on materials and equipment, the technical characteristics of which lead to an increase in the cost and time of their delivery. Summing up, Deputy Chairman of the Board Eldos Ramazanov noted that in close cooperation with the authorized body it is planned to take concrete decisions to resolve the problems of the construction industry.

"The National Parliament is ready to supplement the schedule of issues approved today with new proposals. In order to resolve promptly the issues, I would like to ask the heads of associations to take part in the working group", - the Deputy Chairman of the Board summarized.

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