
About foreign know-how from the first hands

- City of Astana
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The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana city and metropolitan entrepreneurs actively participate in events within the framework of Expo. During meetings with foreign guests at seminars and presentations, business representatives will learn about world innovation developments and discuss prospects and opportunities for developing bilateral cooperation. So, during the presentation of the innovative Finnish project in the field of equipping schools, universities and kindergartens, Kazakh entrepreneurs were able to learn about the specifics of creating flexible modular workspaces, anti-vandal and antibacterial furniture. Vice President for sales of the Finnish manufacturer Isku Interior Oy Tapio Sievilyainen said that the main difference of this concern is an individual approach to customers and the creation of highly functional furniture. "Our furniture, tables, chairs can be connected to each other, thus creating the various configurations necessary for this particular moment. They can also be adjusted in height", - he said. Thanks to this, educational institutions in Finland increase the level of their students, giving them more freedom in movement, turning classes into interactive functional complexes. Mr. Sievilyainen said that since 2009 the company has been cooperating with several Kazakhstani schools, for example, Miras and Nazarbayev intellectual school in Astana. Feedback from Kazakhstani clients is only positive. Another know-how of the Finnish company, demonstrated at the exhibition, is antibacterial furniture, which includes copper and silver. The innovative composition prevents the spread of any infectious diseases and bacteria in public premises. "This is very important for classrooms. After all, it is proved that 80% of all infections are spread due to a contaminated surfaces", Mr. Sievilyainen explained. Tapio Sievilyainen noted that their company is the leader in furniture sales in Finland and that is why it became a partner of the country pavilion at EXPO-2017. In general, Finnish partners are satisfied with the organization of the exhibition and expect a great result from it. Also, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the capital's business took part in a seminar on energy processing, which was held in the pavilion of France. During the meeting, issues of environmental protection were discussed, the French and Kazakh sides presented innovations to increase biogas production and processing of domestic waste.

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