
Atameken signed a memorandum on cooperation in tourism with Uzbekistan

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NCE RK "Atameken" signed a memorandum on cooperation in tourism with Uzbekistan on 23rd of June  this year. In Astana at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" was held a meeting of the Deputy Chairman of the Board Yuliya Yakupbaeva with the Chairman of the Association of Private Tourist Organizations of Uzbekistan (NABI) Nabizhon Kasimov, as well as with the participation of representatives of the tourism market. During the meeting, a number of issues of mutually beneficial partnership in the sphere of tourism were discussed, possibilities for promoting joint tours and attractions of both countries, development of cross-border, medical tourism, restoration of the world famous and popular type of tourism - caravanning, compiling circular routes along the Great Silk Road, Strengthening of information exchange between the two countries, etc. Following the meeting, a Memorandum on cooperation in the field of tourism was signed. It was agreed to draw up a joint work plan for the implementation of the signed Memorandum.

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