
The development of cluster policy will be an effective tool for increasing competitiveness - Dana Zhunusova

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On 26th of June Atameken and KIID signed Memorandum on Cooperation

At NCE RK “Atameken” was signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between Atameken and Kazakhstani Institute of Industry Development. In order to deepen cooperation in the framework of improving the cluster policy of Kazakhstan, at the initiative of the National Chamber, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between NCE RK "Atameken" and JSC "KIID". It should be recalled that within the framework of the SPFIID approved by the Presidential Decree for 2015-2019, the task is to implement at least 6 pilot clusters in 2017, which will be selected on a competitive basis. Also, considering the need for technical support for territorial development, on 20th of July 2015, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development concluded a Loan Agreement for the Small and Medium Enterprises Competitiveness Project. One of the components of the Agreement is the development of increasing production with high added value and increasing the competitiveness of SMEs in non-primary sectors and around priority geographical areas. In order to provide information and methodological work with the regions, to collect and evaluate applications for selection, and to support the work of pilot clusters, JSC "Kazakhstan Institute for Industry Development" is defined to be the operator for implementing the cluster policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with institutional support of the World Bank. The document was signed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board Dana Zhunususova from the side of the National Chamber and Deputy Chairman of the Board Marat Idrisov from the JSC "KIID".

The main areas of cooperation within the framework of the signed memorandum include:

  1. Discussion of materials on cluster development submitted to the consultative-advisory bodies under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  2. Interaction of the business community in the filing of applications in order to participate in the competitive selection of territorial clusters;
  3. Discussion of the results of the selection of territorial clusters;
  4. Discussion of the results of diagnosing the current state of selected territorial clusters;
  5. Interaction in the framework of development of the Plans for the development of territorial clusters;
  6.  Interaction in the development of measures of state support aimed at the implementation of the plans for the development of territorial clusters and cluster initiatives, including joint interaction with government bodies;
  7. Interaction in the framework of the implementation of the plans for the development of territorial clusters;
  8. Participation in training modules planned within the framework of the Project.

International consultants from INFYDE, which have experience in advising on territorial development in countries such as Spain, Peru, and also in the countries of the European Union, also took part in the signing ceremony of the Memorandum. "The development of cluster policy will become one of the most effective tools for developing competitiveness and supporting domestic producers", - Dana Zhunusova emphasized.

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