
Banks will give a report on loans denied to entrepreneurs

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Problems of entrepreneurs with lending will be systematized

 On 28th of June 2017 at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" was held a round table on "Problematic issues on the availability of credit resources". Business representatives from 14 regions and cities of Astana and Almaty participated via video-conference mode. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov, Vice Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan Dalenov Ruslan, as well as representatives of the business community and state bodies. Deputy Chairman of the Board noted that one of the key business problems is the availability of financial resources. "A serious problem for business is access to finance. Despite the fact that the National Bank is gradually reducing the base rate, loans remain expensive. To ensure the availability of credit, it is necessary to further reduce the base rate", - stressed Tulemis Shotanov.

Banks will report on loans denied to entrepreneurs

Problems of entrepreneurs with lending systematize on June 28, 2017 at the site of the Scientific and Production Enterprise "Atameken" held a round table on "Problematic issues on the availability of credit resources." Business representatives from 14 regions and cities of Astana and Almaty came to the direct connection. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of the RK "Atameken" RK "Tulemis Shotanov, Vice Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan Dalenov Ruslan, as well as representatives of the business community and state bodies. Deputy Chairman of the Board noted that one of the key business problems is the availability of financial resources. "A serious problem for business is access to finance. Despite the fact that the National Bank is gradually reducing the base rate, loans remain expensive. To ensure the availability of credit, it is necessary to further reduce the base rate",- stressed Tulemis Shotanov.

All problems hindering lending to entrepreneurs, the participants of the round table decided to divide into two groups according to the specifics and content of the problem. "We want to divide all proposals into systemic and non-systemic. Systematic – it means we collect everything that prevents lending: what laws, what powers, what rules and regulations and what needs to be regulated. Non-systematic - to collect a pool of projects that require attention and consideration. We will transfer these projects to banks, there, mainly those which were refused loans or for some reason have not received it yet. Banks will consider all the comments within a month, then we will sum up: to what number of projects did the banks provide financing, and how many have been denied, the improvements are required", - explained Ruslan Dalenov. Regional business representatives, in turn, asked questions. Victor Martyanov, the head of the farm “URAL-LES” from the West Kazakhstan region (commercial and industrial complex), addressed. "Communication between banks and all these programs has been broken. The Regional Coordination Council (RCC) allocates money, but the banks keep them and do not issue them. Here's an example of our company: 5 years we were begging for a loan. We have pledges for 300 million KZT. We give the bank pledges, but they just give us promises. Today, our company is completely ruined", - complained Victor Martyanov. The reasons for refusing loans, as explained by the farmer, is that banks require super-profitability. The round table participants attributed this problem to the category of "non-systemic measures", and within a month promised to give an answer. Systemic measures also included examples, including the issue of changing the regulation on lending. All participants from different regions expressed gratitude for the opportunity to highlight their situation and get feedback. Summing up the meeting, Tulemis Shotanov said that all cases will be worked out, sent to the appropriate authorities and a report will be prepared for the next work plan.


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