
Bolat Palymbetov: Business problems can and should be solved on the ground

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The antimonopoly body is recommended to check the availability of information on land plots on the websites
Bolat Palymbetov arrived with a working trip to the Almaty region. At a meeting with akim of the region Amandyk Batalov, the Business Ombudsman announced the results of the annual rating "Business Climate". According to the results of the social survey, the Almaty region is ranked 8th, having risen by three positions relative to the previous year.
Among the most corrupt authorities in the region, according to a survey of entrepreneurs, it is possible to highlight tax services and economic investigation services. As the rating has shown, business entities in manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, mining and agriculture are more likely to encounter corruption schemes. However, according to the frequency of corruption schemes, the region entered the group of regions with the lowest level of corruption.
Amandyk Batalov noted that together with the Chamber of Entrepreneurs the regional akimat is actively working on analyzing problematic issues, identifying administrative barriers and implementing proposals to improve the business climate in the region. In March of this year the akim held a meeting without ties with members of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, where he discussed the urgent problems and proposals of business.
The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs drew attention to a number of issues that today create a serious barrier to doing business.
The first issue, voiced by Bolat Palymbetov, is connected with the lack of information on the approved master plan plans, detailed planning projects, schemes of engineering communications of settlements on the website of the Akimats.
As the monitoring showed, at present there is no information in the region on the availability of available power capacities, points of integration to the engineering infrastructure when business entities receive technical specifications for the facilities. In addition, not all subjects of natural monopolies have their own sites. Regarding this issue, the Business Ombudsman recommended to instruct the antimonopoly body to analyze the availability of this information on the websites of monopolists, the frequency of their updates.
Bolat Palymbetov stressed the importance of organizing competitions (auctions) on granting the right to lease land plots. Over the past two years, no auction for land plots has been conducted in the Almaty region. He focused on the imperfection of the legal framework, which hampers the implementation of entrepreneurial activities and described the situation with the financing of private preschool organizations. The region's leadership recommended that legal monitoring be conducted on identified issues.
In turn, Amandyk Batalov stressed that "the akimat will take the most active measures to resolve these issues".
"Many problems of business can and should be solved on the ground. As practice shows, due to inactivity and lawful actions, entrepreneurs are forced to sort out relations with state bodies for years. In this respect, the support and assistance of the akimat is needed. Joint work with the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs will provide an opportunity to react promptly to the appeals of entrepreneurs", - said Bolat Palymbetov.
Within the framework of the working meeting in the Almaty region, the Business Ombudsman held a personal reception of entrepreneurs in the Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

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