
Protecting business for four years

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The important law for entrepreneurs is 4 years old. On 4th of July 2013, the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, passed a law on the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, the document is 4 years old, which plays an important role in regulating the public relations that arise with the creation and activities of the Chamber, the development of entrepreneurship in the country.

On 4th of July 2013, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed legislative acts and regulations, and on 9th of September 2013, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established by a joint decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NEPC "Union" Atameken ". On 27th of March 2015, the National Chamber was officially re-registered as the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" (decision of the 2nd Extraordinary Congress of NCE RK dated by 27.01.2015). It should be noted that Atameken has become an effective and powerful dialogue platform for business and government to discuss and to solve urgent problems and issues that hamper development, support of domestic entrepreneurship.

History of Atameken Congresses

The first Congress of NCE RK "Atameken" took place on 25th of June 2014. It assessed the work done and approved the development strategy of the Chamber for the coming years.

The Second Congress of Atameken was organized on 27th of January 2015. One of the key issues discussed at the congress was the change in the size and order of payment of compulsory membership fees for business entities. Also, the proposals of the Chamber on anti-crisis measures to support business were submitted to the delegates for consideration.

The Third Congress was held on 16th of June 2016. Issues of purchases, availability of financial resources, microcrediting, illegal inspections of state bodies, development of agricultural cooperatives were discussed at it. The Charter of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption was adopted.

The Fourth Congress was held on 14th of June 2017. Delegates of the Congress of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" unanimously re-elected Timur Kulibayev to the post of Chairman of the Presidium. It was noted at the meeting that over the years of work, Atameken, under the leadership of Timur Kulibayev, proved its consistency and professionalism.

Atameken system consists of a representative and executive bodies. The highest management body of NCE RK "Atameken" is the Congress. The Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" is headed by Timur Kulibayev. Ablay Myrzakhmetov is the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber. Seven deputy chairmen of the Board are Nurzhan Altaev, Eldar Zhumagaziyev, Dana Zhunusova, Rustam Zhursunov, Eldos Ramazanov, Tulemis Shotanov and Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

"Atameken" is represented in 14 regions and cities of Astana and Almaty by regional chambers of entrepreneurs. In order to provide comprehensive support to the subjects of private entrepreneurship and the population, 23 Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs were created, as well as 188 Business Support Centers for the provision of information support for entrepreneurs in mono-cities, small towns and district centers.

The Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs

On 19th of February 2016, the Institute of Business Ombudsman was established. By order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev Bolat Palymbetov was appointed the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of the country. The activity of the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan is provided by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

The high status of the institute and broad powers allow much more effectively to deal with the systemic problems of the Kazakh business, the arbitrariness of officials and the imperfection of legislation. At the moment, Bolat Palymbetov received 222 applications, 182 (81.9%) of which were examined, and 40 are processed. 472 systemic problems were identified during the work of the Business Ombudsman, 294 of them were solved.

Result of work

According to statistical data, from year to year the number of applications of entrepreneurs to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" is only growing. A total of 18,623 appeals were received within the line of business protection. In addition, according to the results of work conducted by Atameken lawyers, the property rights of entrepreneurs were protected in the amount of over 81.6 billion tenge (8.4 billion KZT in 2014, 14.4 billion KZT in 2015, 28.9 billion KZT for 2016, 29.9 bn. KZT in the 1st quarter of 2017). These are canceled fines, penalties, returned government money, as well as the retained property of business. On 9th of September 2016, the head of state singled out the promotion of mass entrepreneurship and employment creation as one of the priorities of the Government's work. In order to achieve the set goals, NCE RK "Atameken" proposed 10 steps for the development of entrepreneurship:

  • Expansion of microcredit
  • Mass training of the population to basics of business
  • Development of agricultural cooperation
  • Support of competitive business through long-term government orders in exchange for localization
  • Export-oriented SMEs – the key driver of economic growth
  • Regional business development map as a basis for making industrial and investment decisions
  • Creation of the service "Government for business"
  • Deregulation of supervisory functions of state bodies
  • Further humanization of criminal and administrative legislation
  • Audit of all subordinate subsidiaries of government agencies and the IOI for violation of market principles.

Atameken has also developed an information and analytical resource on the conditions and opportunities for doing business both for existing and potential entrepreneurs - the Regional Development Map. The regional development map is a unique product that gathers all the information about the business conditions, the opportunities that are provided to it in this or that region. The project has become a great helper, both for domestic entrepreneurs and for foreign investors. In addition, Atameken launched a microcredit program. As you know, the key to obtaining funds for starting and developing a business is lending. But, often, a high interest rate and strict requirements do not allow a businessman to get the necessary loan. In this case, an entrepreneur can apply to microcredits, they are easier to obtain because of small amounts and terms. To get a loan, businessmen need only apply to the Service Center of Entrepreneurs or the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the region. In July 2016, the Bastau Business project was created to increase the economic activity of the rural population through engaging in entrepreneurial activities. The program aims to reach 15,000 unemployed and self-employed in 80 districts of Kazakhstan. A number of actions of the National Parliament have already led to an active growth of entrepreneurial activity in the villages and provided new jobs

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