
What can you buy on the metropolitan boulevard of Nurzhol

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Business and creativity Astana's birthday is a bright, unforgettable holiday that attracts many guests from different countries and regions of Kazakhstan. This year, the celebration of the City Day promises to be more ambitious in connection with the international exhibition EXPO. Today, the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the gross regional product of the capital was 61%. This is the best indicator among the regions of the country. A lot of work in this area is carried out by the National Parliament, which is the conductor of the Kazakh businessmen’s interests.

Within the framework of EXPO-2017, entrepreneurs are already given a good opportunity to show their products at the Alley of Craftsmen. To see and buy dishes, ornaments, handbags, you can also on the Day of the capital on the boulevard Nurzhol.

Entrepreneurs actively participate in the life of the city and are ready to share their creativity. For example, Astana resident Zhanna Baysadykova told about unique trays and cups that came straight from Samarkand.

"On the alley of handmade things, Uzbek ceramics from clay are presented to your attention. My friends from Uzbekistan have been doing this for more than 5 years, I help them. Uzbek ceramics can be different, but we have good firing and high quality. Each work is copyright, after completing all the creation processes, the master puts his signature on the back of the dishes. If there are 20 plates, there will be 20 kinds of drawings. None of the paintings are repeated", - Zhanna Baysadykova said.

Products are made of ceramics and are chemically resistant. In this regard, ceramic dishes are considered more safe and contribute to the preservation of the taste of products, as well as a long heat support.

The needlewoman added that the products can be used as dishes for pilaf, manty and beshbarmak, and for decorating the room, hang with a special hole on the wall. "One small dish is done about one month. My favorite is a pointed azure cup, a novelty in Uzbek ceramics. Everyone thinks that it's beads or rice. Each point on it is put by hands, no device is involved. In addition, we draw patterns with a needle. The work is very delicate. I've been doing it myself for 7 years. Children make toys, women - candy, fruit", - Zhanna Baysadykova shared. An entrepreneur from Kostanay Darya Kusekeyeva came to the capital specifically to show what her family does.


"In support of domestic production, honoring our Kazakh customs and traditions, we together with our parents created a certain "Toybastar" brand. To date, our family business is the only manufacturer of national products in the city of Kostanay. Here you can purchase hand-made products for such events as tusaukesu, kyrkynan shygaru, kyz uzaty, shildehana and besik. Now decoration in the national style is in the trend, which perfectly complement the look. When manufacturing, we first process the material on a computer, we develop it through a special program, then print it on a laser machine. Then we add everything else, add it separately. Everything takes about a day, depending on the size of the product", -  Darya Kusekeyeva said.

Businesswoman added that her business was opened in March 2015. But today they have achieved big results. From 31st of July to 10th of August, products of Toybastar will be exhibited at EXPO. From 27 to 30th of July, Darius plans to present its goods at the exhibition at Korme.

It should be reminded that the heads of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO-2017 "and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan" Atameken "signed a special agreement on 20th of January, in the framework of which it was planned "to involve the Kazakhstan business in the preparation and holding" of an international exhibition in Astana.

There is a great interest of foreign tourists to Kazakhstan products. A guest from Ireland, Ben Finch, shared his views on the hand-made products of our country.

"I am in Kazakhstan for the third time. What I buy here I take with me to my homeland and keep it in a prominent place in my apartment. It's always nice to remember about you. The Kazakhstani producers have very good quality. We like ornaments and features of national products. This time I came to EXPO, waiting for the official accreditation. Then I can freely visit the exhibition as a journalist", - the Irishman explained.

Ben Finch appreciated the work of the state in supporting entrepreneurship and spoke about the program Invest Nothern Ireland, the system of which is similar to NCE. INI - supports business growth and domestic investment, promotes innovation, research, development and training within the company, encourages exports and supports local economic development, as well as project launches.

Kazakhstani entrepreneurs are entering a new level thanks to the interest of foreign countries. Participation in EXPO-2017 also gives great opportunities in cooperation with foreign investors. On the Day of Astana entrepreneurs celebrate tangible achievements of joint work with state bodies and "Atameken".

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