
Housing and communal services of Kazakhstan need professionals

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More than 20 thousand apartment buildings are in emergency condition On 11 of July 2017 at "Atameken" was held an international conference on "Housing management in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan". The event was attended by representatives of German associations and business, partners from Uzbekistan, representatives of government agencies of Kazakhstan, as well as housing and communal services, managers and service companies from all 14 regions of Kazakhstan and the cities of Astana and Almaty, who expressed interest in the raised issues. The conference is the launching event of the three-year cooperation between the NCE and German and Uzbek partners.

On 31st of May 2017 Atameken signed the Agreement on Project Cooperation with the IWO-Initiative "Housing in Eastern Europe" (Germany), which is funded by the European Union, which was voiced at the IV Congress of NCE RK "Atameken".

"The Law" On Housing Relations" is 10 years and the principles of housing management have not changed conceptually. Since 1997, the management of the housing stock has been transferred to the hands of the owners. And the current situation shows that they need professional experience of qualified organizers ", - opened the conference Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov.

The sphere of housing and communal services at the moment has attracted close attention from public figures, deputies of the Parliament and the Government of Kazakhstan. The current principles of state management of the housing and utilities sector require a new stage of reform. "Statistics in Kazakhstan show that of the more than 78,000 dwelling houses, only about 35,000 are registered as condominiums. As a result, 6 houses have to be managed by one management company or KSK. Hence the quality of services suffers, and accordingly the discontent on the part of the owners grows", - the Deputy Chairman of the Board noted. In Kazakhstan, the total number of apartment buildings is 78 371 units, of which 20 437 units (26%) are in an emergency state. These problems were not ignored by NCE. The HCS system requires its qualitative modernization. Atameken, as a structure created to unite, consolidate, solve business problems and create the foundations for entrepreneurial activity, is actively working in this direction.

Within the project it is planned to study the range of potential participants, legislative imperfections, opportunities and prospects for management companies and KSK. During the entire duration of the project, it is planned to hold a number of seminars to help businesses manage real estate properly and at a high level. German partners within the framework of the conference spoke about the specifics of the housing management system in Germany, on which principles the activities of organizations in housing management are based on.

"We have been working in Kazakhstan for more than 10 years. In the person of NCE, we found a reliable partner, with which we exchange experience and work on joint projects. The development of the housing stock is one of the important directions, therefore we are always ready to jointly solve all the accumulated problems ", - shared the director of IWO in Germany Knut Heller. The executive director of the Association of the Organization of Professional Managers who serve the housing stock in Uzbekistan Bashorat Dzhumayeva told about the housing management system in their country. Coordinator of the IWO project from Germany Johann Streze, in turn, noted that the project provides for an internship in Germany.

"We plan to hold competitions for the best practice in housing management, where various participants from this sphere will be invited, such as private companies and representatives of KSK. The winners of the competition will have the opportunity to go on a study tour to Germany and in practice to study the German housing management system", - said Johann Streze. The leaders of the Association of Kazakhstani Center for Modernization and Development of Housing and Communal Services, the Kazakhstani Association "Transparent Tariff" and representatives of business shared their views.

"It is very good that "Atameken" became partner from the Kazakh side, because this will help to resolve issues in this area. We need serious modern companies, I think that there should be a two-level housing and communal services system. First, one house-one condominium-one KSK, the second, the creation of management companies at the level of urban micro-districts created on the principles of PPP", - suggested the chairman of the Presidium of the Kazakhstani Association "Transparent tariff" Peter Svoik.

The overall goal of the project is to improve the role of managers, servicing, service and other companies, to strengthen the status of these organizations as bona fide, performing their functions at a high level, and to create favorable conditions for the development of activities in the housing and communal sector.

Concluding the conference, Deputy Chairman of the Board Eldos Ramazanov thanked everyone for the interest shown and called on all participants to join actively the work. "The first step is to identify the circle of market participants, identify and systematize all problems. Managing companies, service companies, KSK I ask to take direct part and present their proposals, as well as ways of solving problems already at the initial stage of the project", - summed up Eldos Ramazanov.

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