
There is something to be proud of: the assets of Almaty entrepreneurs worth 125.7 million tenge were protected

- Almaty Region
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More than half of appeals are resolved in favor of business

The Chamber of entrepreneurs of Almaty region summed up the results for the first half of 2017. At the briefing in the Regional Communication Service, Deputy Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs for Economic Affairs Aset Shayakhmetov and Head of the Department for the Protection of Entrepreneurs Rights and Reduction of Administrative Barriers of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Adlet Sultanbek spoke. Speakers noted that the Chamber almost doubled its indicators in all directions compared to the same period last year.

According to the results of the first half-year, 114 appeals of entrepreneurs were received in the regional Chamber within the line of protection of entrepreneurs' rights. Of these, 59 complaints (that is 51.8% of the total number) were positively resolved, the remaining complaints are pending. In just six months, the Chamber defended the rights of entrepreneurs in the amount of more than 125.7 million tenge.

"Most of the appeals come in the sphere of land relations. So the top issues of entrepreneurs can include issues of tax relations, government procurement, as well as complaints against the actions of state bodies. At the same time, I would like to note that the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs and Counteracting Corruption under the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Almaty Region is playing an active role in resolving problematic issues. During the first half of the year, four meetings were held, which examined 15 problematic issues of entrepreneurs, 9 of which were resolved in favor of entrepreneurs", - Adlet Sultanbek said.

"One of the most striking examples is the case of LLP "Saryozek mnayi onimderi". With our assistance, a five-million fine against the company was abolished", - he added.

The Chamber identified 22 administrative barriers for six months, of which 18 at the national level, 4 at the local level.

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs pays special attention to the non-financial support of entrepreneurs. During the reporting period, more than 3,600 entrepreneurs and individuals used free service, about 9,000 entrepreneurs and persons with entrepreneurial initiative were provided with information support under state programs. 218 business plans were developed for a total of about 2 billion tenge for entrepreneurs. Of these, projects for the amount of 122.8 million tenge have been financed.

"As you know, this year, as part of the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship, we launched the Bastau Business project, the goal which is to conduct free training on the basics of business. Duration of the course is about 30 days. At present, 611 participants have been trained in seven districts of the region. Of these, 53 students have already received a loan for a total of about 300 million tenge", -said Deputy Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs for Economic Affairs Aset Shayakhmetov.

Another important activity of the Chamber is the support of the agro-industrial complex. During the six months with the support of the Chamber, 12 agricultural cooperatives were registered, of which 9 were assisted in financing through the "Fund for the Financial Support of Agriculture". To improve the skills of rural entrepreneurs, as well as to promote the introduction of new technologies in the region, 21 seminars on livestock and crop production were held, which were attended by 404 participants.

In the social sphere, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs continues to introduce and develop dual training, thereby supporting the training of personnel for business. Today, the Roadmap of dual training from the Almaty region included 958 students of technical and polytechnical organizations, 133 contracts for the training of personnel for dual training with 25 colleges and 91 enterprises of the region were concluded.

"Currently, the international project "After the Working Profession to China" has been launched. Within the framework of the signed memorandum with three colleges in the city of Liangzhou, Gansu Province, free training of Kazakhstan students on working specialties is planned", - Asset Shayakhmetov said.

Also, the speakers dwelled on the results of work in the sphere of public procurement, tourism, PPP, and the development of the Regional Business Development Map.

 Speaking about plans for the second half of 2017, deputy director Aset Shayakhmetov noted that work will continue on the main lines of activity. In addition, it is planned to hold an international tourist forum and industry events in the regional centers of the region.

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