
Enterprises observe deficiency in the shortage of raw materials

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Topical issues of the pulp and paper industry of Kazakhstan were discussed at "Atameken"

On 4th of August, a meeting was held on the issues of the pulp and paper and packaging industry at NCE RK. Arman Mambetayev, Managing Director, Director of the Department of the Manufacturing Industry of NCE RK “Atameken”, Batyrbek Aubakirov, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Packers of Kazakhstan, branch business bodies, business communities and representatives of the enterprise from the regions participated in the event.

Topical issues on the agenda were the introduction of a 6-month ban on the removal of waste paper outside of Kazakhstan and the dumping of producers of sacks from third countries in relation to the producers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"As it is known at the end of August 2016, a ban on the removal of waste paper was introduced. The performed intermediate assessment shows the dynamics of growth in the collection and processing of waste paper. It is necessary to continue this practice. The proposal to introduce a 6-month ban on the export of waste paper outside the country was sent to the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Ministry supported us in this work. Currently, the item was included in the work plan, according to their schedule, a 6-month ban on the removal of waste paper is up to October 2017. Its relevance in this period is justified by the fact that at the end of the year on the eve of the holidays there is an active use of packaging products. It is necessary to seize that large volume of the raw material package for its further use", - Arman Mambetayev opened the meeting.

It is worth noting that the production of paper and paperboard occupies a very important place in the world industry. The advanced countries are the USA, Canada, China, Japan.

"We all support the introduction of this prohibition. Waste paper is a strategic commodity that is necessary for production. Paper is mostly taken from Kazakhstan to Russia. It is exported to Europe from Russia. The situation is such that Russia takes raw materials and the Kazakhstani producers remain without raw materials. Manufacturers have to close. It is a serious blow to the pulp and paper industry, or they need to ask the government to introduce some restrictions on the export of raw materials in order to process it and produce stable good products", - added Batyrbek Aubakirov.

 The participants of the meeting noted that if the situation is stable with raw materials, then there are enterprises that want to adjust their production.

"Our company supports the introduction of this prohibition. We are experiencing a large shortage of raw materials, not only in Almaty, but also our regional representatives. For the Russian market, we are not big players, so you can raise prices in the border areas, given that logistics is relatively cheap. We understand that we have a common market with Russia and Belarus. If we embarked on this path, we must be competitive in any case. Extended obligations of entrepreneurs (ROP) now introduce compensation. This is from 5 tenge per kilogram of collected waste paper. That is, those suppliers who worked as resellers with the Russian Federation, they now can be competitive with the wave. We, as the largest collector and processor of the country, are ready to purchase up to 6,000 tons per month. If we now look at the dynamics of the collection, then we have a deficit of about 500 to 1000 tons per month. This volume is quietly exported to the territory of the Russian Federation and Kyrgyzstan. I would like the state to hear us and support us by this ban", - Director of LLP Kazakhstan Waste Recycling Dana Soltanova stated.

At the end of the meeting, the participants summed up the work and summed up the main points.

"There are certain claims to the quality and safety of packaging, which is imported from Uzbekistan, China, etc. The Public Health Committee of the Ministry of Health is responsible for the security control unit and they need concrete facts. Perhaps through us we will be able to accumulate everything and send it to the committee. As for the import duty on raw materials and finished products, we will include this issue in the protocol. In order for the Ministry of National Economy to work on support measures, this may be an excise tax (an indirect tax on goods of wide domestic consumption), this may be other measures, we will, in general, paint everything. The Ministry of National Economy needs figures in order to justify and operate. Colleague on alliances, we ask, with the support of the association, to collect data, statistics for presenting it to authorized state bodies", - Arman Mambetayev concluded.

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