
Three largest associations of Kazakhstan united

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The amalgamation of associations in the sphere of tourism has taken place

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" informs that in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Self-Regulation", the largest associations in the field of tourism have merged. Kazakhstani Tourism Association together with ALE "Capital Association of Tourism" and ALE "National Association of the Tourism Industry" created ALE "Self-Regulated Kazakhstan Tourist Association". Rashida Shaikenova was appointed the head of the new joint association.


Association of legal entities "Self-regulating Kazakhstani Tourism Association"

Legal address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 0500010, Almaty, Medeu district, st. Shevchenko corner. Zenkova street, building  14/77, apt. 2.

Contacts: +7 (727) 293 84 26, 293 84 23, 293 83 70

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