
More than 100 Kazakhstani enterprises will take part in the Eurasian Week

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Annual summit of the EAEU member states will be held in Astana

On 11th of August a press conference of the Eurasian Economic Commission was held, which was dedicated to the upcoming 2nd annual International Forum "Eurasian Week" was held at the "Atameken" site. The event took place in the format of a teleconference Moscow - Astana - Bishkek - Yerevan - Minsk.

The Eurasian Week Forum is the annual summit of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which this time will be held in Astana on the site of the Congress Center within the framework of the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017. The Forum will consider issues of creating opportunities for exports of goods and services produced in EAEU and investments in the countries of the Union. Within the framework of the "Eurasian Week" in 2017, representatives of business, government agencies and experts will discuss applied issues of creating a competitive product and its output to the foreign market in the conditions of dynamic changes in technologies, production and logistics processes, and product requirements.

"This year the Eurasian Week will be held on August 24-26 within the framework of EXPO-2017. To date, there have already been applications from more than 100 companies that are ready to act as speakers and as participants. In addition, the Eurasian Economic Commission organized an interactive wall, which will present information on export-oriented companies. We are happy to participate in such a large-scale event and invite all representatives of business communities to join", - said Dolores Tulebekova, deputy director of the Department for Economic Integration of NCE “Atameken”.

The global themes of the "Eurasian Week" will be: "Competitiveness in the current economic conditions: points of growth", "Unified markets for goods, services, labor and finance in the EAEU: present and future", "Future Economics: strategic directions for business development". The aim of the event is to develop the economy, investment and export potential of the EAEU countries.

"The Eurasian Week program includes 30 discussion events in 13 sectors of the economy, including a plenary session, round tables, panel discussions and master classes. The forum is traditionally divided into two parts: business program and exhibition. 43 companies from the countries of the Union will be represented at the exhibition. "Eurasian Week" will become an effective platform for establishing B2B-contacts, discussing tools and conditions created for business", - Veronika Nikishina, a member of EEC Trade Board and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Eurasian Week, said.

More than 250 speakers from 17 countries will take part in the forum. Participants from 24 countries are registered, including the countries of EAEU and the CIS, South-East and South Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and North America. Representatives of leading companies of the EAEU, leaders of innovative industries in Europe, America and Asia, and small and medium-sized businesses with export potential are also expected.

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