
The turnover of Kazakhstan and Afghanistan will increase

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Business meeting with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was held in Astana

On 18th of August was held the meeting of the business circles of Kazakhstan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The event was attended by the Prime Minister of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah and Chairman of the Board of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan Ayan Yerenov, as well as representatives of business communities of the two countries.

The Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan noted that business ties between the two states are actively developing.

"In 2016, the trade turnover between our countries amounted to 489.4 million dollars. We hope that in the future the indicators will increase", - Ayan Yerenov said.

The Prime Minister of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah stressed the importance of holding such events and expressed his desire for further cooperation with Kazakhstan.

"Afghanistan and Kazakhstan have close relationships in many areas. Speaking of economic trade, we want to create safe and preferential terms for businessmen from Kazakhstan. Issues of customs procedures during export and import are discussed and will be resolved. We use Kazakhstani liquefied gas, it is necessary for Afghanistan in winter. Thanks to good relations and legislation of the countries, we can develop and increase trade turnover", - Abdullah Abdullah said.

Now measures are being taken to expand the export of Kazakh grain crops and flour to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and to assist business structures of Kazakhstan in participating in Afghan investment projects.

Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Afghanistan Nasrat Atikulla thanked Kazakhstani colleagues for the opportunity to hold this meeting. He noted that in 1995, exports from Afghanistan to Kazakhstan decreased by 50% because of transit problems. During this time, a sufficient number of business conferences and negotiations were held in Kazakhstan with the participation of more than 100 entrepreneurs from Afghanistan. In March 2016, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

"Since 2010, the trade turnover between our countries is developing. If joint efforts solve transit problems, entrepreneurs will be able to invest and expand their business in two countries. We would like to make proposals for a multiple-entry visa for businessmen from Afghanistan, we also need to discuss issues of goods transit through Uzbekistan and customs duties", - Nasrat Atikulla said.

Kazakhstan exports oil, gas, food and construction materials to Afghanistan and imports carpets, fresh fruit and dried fruits. For the period from January to May 2017, trade turnover amounted to 195.8 million dollars, including exports - 195.2 million, imports - 0.6 million dollars.

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