
Belarusian IT-technologies "will come" to Kazakhstan

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The Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan signed a memorandum on cooperation in the IT sphere

Within the framework of the "Eurasian Week" in Astana, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Scientific and Technological Association of "IT Companies" in the Republic of Belarus and ALE in the form of the Association of “Kazakhstani Association of IT Companies”. President of the Association "Kazakhstan Association of IT Companies" Nurlan Isin, spoke about the importance of this document.

"The memorandum of cooperation will help to exchange experience in the field of digitalization. The tasks in each country are different, as the Kazakh Minister of Communication and Information noted earlier, no country will wait for someone. Both Belarus and Kazakhstan will develop separately. But nevertheless, it is necessary to exchange experience. The experience that the Belarusian park of information technologies has accumulated will be useful for Kazakhstan", - Nurlan Isin noted.

The general director of the scientific and technological Association of IT Companies Vladimir Basko thanked Kazakhstan for initiating this memorandum.

"I am glad that new opportunities for cooperation now appear. We have something to share, we have an actively developing IT industry. At the same time, Kazakhstan also has its own achievements, which are ahead of the corresponding Belarusian ones. We have something to learn from Kazakhstan, but most importantly, there is something to do together. Kazakhstan was the initiator of the creation of the EAEU, and now the business of Kazakhstan took the first step towards consolidation of the IT digital business of the EAEU. I hope we will conscientiously follow both the spirit and the content of this memorandum", - Vladimir Basko commented.

The general director of the scientific and technological Association of IT Companies noted that the first products of the memorandum could be joint events, the first joint discussion teams and joint start-ups. Perhaps Kazakhstan's private investments will be invested in the Belarusian IT industry.

"Currently, IT-business of Belarus is bought by investors from North America, Western Europe and Israel. I invite investors from Kazakhstan to take a closer look at this business", - Vladimir Basko said.

Dolores Tulebekova, Acting Director of the Department of Economic Integration of NCE RK "Atameken", added that in 2016 a business council of the Eurasian Economic Union was created, where the work of the five largest business communities was united.

"Within the framework of the Business Council, very active work is currently underway to find new points of contact. One of the priorities is digital transformation. In April this year, the Committee for Digital Transformation under the Business Council was established. Today is a very important event, representatives of our business signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the Republic of Belarus. This Memorandum is the first step on the way to cooperation, together we will be able to implement joint projects both in a bilateral format and within the framework of the Eurasian Union", - Dolores Tulebekova said.

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