
Special tax regime hasn’t changed drastically

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Special tax regimes and improvement of other compulsory payments were discussed at Atamaken

On 29th of August, a round table was held at Atameken site on the following topics: "Special tax regimes for SMEs and agribusiness" and "Improvement of other mandatory payments". The event was held with the participation of Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NCE RK "Atameken", Gulmira Smagulova, Head of the Office of SRC of the Ministry of Finance of RK, other representatives of state bodies and interested branch organizations.

It is proposed to keep NDP on the basis of a patent in the new Tax Code, while maintaining the current tax rate at the rate of 2% of income for persons engaged in trade activities and reducing it to 1% for the remaining categories of taxpayers, as well as for non-cash payments in Trade. At the same time, the social tax is excluded from the patent.

In the part of the special tax regime on the basis of the simplified declaration, it is proposed to establish a single threshold value of the marginal income for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 100 million KZT and the number of employees in the number of 30 people.

The introduction of a new special tax regime with the use of a fixed deduction is envisaged. This mode is voluntary. The regime provides for higher criteria for marginal income and the maximum number for application in comparison with the simplified declaration (300.0 million KZT and 50 people), as well as the reduction of taxable income by the size of the wage fund and the application of a fixed deduction of 30% from total annual income (Unconfirmed income), but not more than 70% of total annual income, the Unified Land Tax for peasant and farming enterprises will be preserved. Since 2020, in connection with the general declaration, it is proposed to revise the object of taxation, depart from the estimated value of the land plot, setting a tax on turnover at a rate of 0.5%.

In connection with the WTO requirement, from 1st of January 2018, a VAT exemption will be excluded in the form of a reduction of 70% of the calculated VAT. This benefit is now used by producers of agricultural products, agricultural processors and agricultural cooperatives. An alternative option is provided in the form of an additional set-off.

"Mathematically VAT remains the same, only 70% of the tax is not reduced, and your credit is adjusted by 70%. The tax burden does not increase", - Rustam Zhursunov noted to the participants of the meeting.


After the presentation, the participants of the event, prepared by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, expressed their opinion on the need to simplify administration.

"Every day we are faced with problems, respectively, should keep 3-4 accountants. If it was abroad, the farmer could submit everything from the phone, then there would not be any questions. But, unfortunately, we are working in realities, where we are forced to spend 30-40% a day on communication with tax authorities", - Maksut Bakhtibayev, chairman of the Kazakhstani Union of Meat Union said.

 Rustam Zhursunov noted that this is a conceptual proposal. The main principle is not to harm.


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