
«Ontustik Business» Acquaintance with the region's investment climate

- City of Shymkent
3178 просмотров

The business forum Ontustik Business: Opportunities and Prospects was held on the territory of EXPO-2017 on 29th of August 2017. The event was held with the participation of Nurzhan Altaev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" within the framework of the days of the South Kazakhstan region in Astana. Representatives of state bodies, large businessmen, investment companies and development institutions were also involved. The aim of the forum is to get acquainted with the region's economy, investment climate, state programs to support investors and develop interregional cooperation to attract tourists.

"SKR is one of the most populated regions of the country and the most active in terms of business. The number of active entrepreneurs in the SME sector is about 178 thousand. In South Kazakhstan there is a high share of processing industry, there is a positive development of the agro-industrial complex. Also, agriculture is actively growing in the region. This is one of those regions that supplies food, including to Astana", - Nurzhan Altaev said.


Akim of South-Kazakhstan region Zhanseit Tuimebayev also welcomed the participants of the forum.

"Today, the South Kazakhstan Region is a dynamically developing region, where there is a powerful environmental potential. The geographical location of the region is export oriented. An important achievement is the high level of SME development, the largest number of SMEs are registered in SKR", - Zhanseit Tuimebayev said.

The akim of South-Kazakhstan region added that the volume of the gross regional product grew 2 times over 5 years, the share of industry in the economy increased from 18% to 27%. For today, every 5th realized project within the framework of the Industrialization Program falls on the South-Kazakhstan region. Over 8 years of the program, 162 projects worth over 208.3 billion KZT have been implemented on the territory of the region, 88 projects with an investment of 1.2 trillion KZT are under implementation.

The participants of the event also noted that SKR with its unique natural resources and original culture has great potential for the development of tourism at the international and regional level. Only for the first quarter of 2017 South Kazakhstan region was visited by 52,850 tourists. Last year for the same period SKR was visited by 33 thousand tourists.
During the forum investment projects, investment preferences and tourist products were presented and a number of documents were signed for further cooperation with foreign investors.

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