
Myrzakhmetov said why information is more precious than money

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“Atameken” and state agencies implement nine initiatives to solve systemic business problems

On 31st of August at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" was held a meeting with the participation of the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the Minister of National Economy Timur Suleimenov, representatives of state bodies, with the connection of regions through videoconferencing.

"We keep a register of problems on a regular basis, they undergo a certain filter. The problems are of a different nature, both private and requiring decisions at the legislative level. About 200 questions concern sectoral ministries. In order to improve the business climate, we identified nine initiatives that will help solve system problems and reduce business costs. The work on their implementation is already underway", - the Chairman of the Board of Atameken stressed during the meeting.

One of the initiatives, according to Ablay Myrzakhmetov, is connected with providing the business with open access to information on free land plots, master plans and detailed design plans.

"An investor should understand what and where he can build. Access to information is no less important than access to credit. Entrepreneur, in addition to the general plan and detailed design plan (hereinafter referred to as the "DDP"), needs to have access to free land plots, since this is a key asset. That is, access to information is a key asset. There is a land cadastre in CSPs, where businessmen can see the allocated plots. In addition, we would like to see information on free sites on the website of the akimat except for the general plan", - he said.

The Chairman added that it is important for the regions that everything is sold through a single point of purchase so that the businessman has a convenient search.

Another initiative is to create in each region full-scale Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs, in which businessmen will receive not only consultations, but the entire package of necessary permits, on the principle of "one window".

Also, according to the Chairman of the Board of the National Council, it is necessary to apply uniform requirements to non-stationary trade in the regions and separately work out the issue of creating small industrial zones.

"They began to build large industrial zones and which are filled by no more than 20%. They are not very active. It is necessary to introduce the concept of "small industrial zones" through PPP mechanisms to give more opportunities to small and medium-sized businesses. Industrial zones are more suitable for SMEs. The draft law is being prepared in MID RK, but, unfortunately, we were refused to legislatively fix the notion of "small industrial zones", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov stressed.

Timur Suleimenov noted that this issue is taken into consideration and will be resolved.

As for the agro-industrial sector, according to Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the problem of subsidizing is topical: it is quite common that entrepreneurs do not explanation regarding the reasons for refusing to pay subsidies. To exclude such facts, it is offered to make all protocols available in free access.

"A number of your questions are included in the general plan for the implementation of the Address of the Head of State, so the work is under way. We do not embellish and we will not hide anything. As for the need for unification - it's right that it was more and more clear and the maps of investment projects and other industries were posted on one website. A lot of work has been done with Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs, in order to eliminate duplication, I propose that "Damu" and "Baiterek" meet and process the matter in two weeks", - the Minister of National Economy Timur Suleimenov said.

At the end, Ablay Myrzakhmetov thanked the participants of the meeting, stressing that such a format, with the participation of central and regional state bodies and business representatives, allows to openly raise the actual problems of entrepreneurs and outline ways to address them.

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