
Creation of obstacles to business is punishable

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Ablay Myrzakhmetov underlines the irreversibility of punishment for creation of obstacles to business

During the First Forum of Business Ombudsmen of Kazakhstan and Russia, the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov, greeted the participants and briefly described the work being carried out by the National Chamber.

"Currently, there is an intensive exchange of experience in solution of problems that concern business in the legal sphere. It is gratifying that these contracts and agreements work not only within the framework of EAEU, but also within those friendly relations that we have", - the Chairman of the Board emphasized. Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted that the presence of feedback for the business pleases.

Any association is protection of rights and representation of interests.

"Our legislation should not be aggressive, it should be friendly. (...) Work in this direction is underway. We have institutes that clearly know the legislation and their conflicts. Our most important task is negotiating power, changing the rules for business. There are already results on the "adjustment" of the state apparatus for the needs of business", - the speaker said.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov stressed the joint work with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Counteracting Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The speaker said that joint work is carried out to work out incoming complaints about corruption risks, and systemic measures are proposed.

"Our task is to show the official the irreversibility of punishment for hindering entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, it is important that any law and document be agreed with entrepreneurs. Currently, work in this direction is under way. In addition to the state and business, there is a population, in this regard, the honesty of the entrepreneur is a key moment. (...) The population should receive quality services", - the Chairman of the Board believes.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov also added that such an event would certainly lead to an improvement in the business climate in the two countries.

Let’s remind on 2nd of September in Astana was opened the I Forum of Business Ombudsmen of Kazakhstan and Russia for the first time. It was attended by Business Ombudsmen of the two countries, representatives of NCE RK "Atameken", as well as a large delegation from the two countries.

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