
Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan assists business

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Marat Akhmetzhanov: We are extremely interested in the growth of incomes and employment of the population

During the First Forum of Business Ombudsmen of Kazakhstan and Russia, the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Marat Akhmetzhanov, noted that the Forum is the platform where you can discuss business problems and share your experience.

"It is important for us to be closer. We are economically and politically closely connected with Russia. These are new horizons for the development of business of our states. (...) We are extremely interested in improving the criminal situation, and therefore in the growth of incomes and employment of the population. Last year, together with Atameken, the First Business Protection Forum was held, at which we discussed and identified the most acute problems. To this day, a lot has been done", - Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Akhmetzhanov said.

The Speaker noted that the President of the Russian Federation spoke about facts of unjustified initiation of cases against entrepreneurs, adding that Kazakhstan and Russia have similar problems in this regard.

"Each case is accompanied by seizures, searches, inspections are conducted, assets are arrested. The investigation lasts for years. As the analysis showed - almost half of the companies that got into these "traps" ceased to exist, and people were left without work. To reverse the situation, we ordered prosecutors to verify the legality of registering cases within 24 hours. If there is no reason to stop them immediately. 24 investigators of the Economic Investigation Service were punished in Karaganda, 9 of them were dismissed. Similar measures have been taken in other regions. In addition, they forbade starting investigations where there is a civil dispute, or there are no acts of tax audit and revision", - Marat Akhmetzhanov explained.

As a result, the number of cases decreased 4-fold (if 3 893 criminal cases were registered for the 6 months of 2016 there, then for the same period of this year - 989). If earlier more than 800 economic crimes were recorded every month on average, now it is 200.

"Today, business is tested using a risk assessment system. Therefore, together with the Ministry of Economy and Atameken, they began to analyze it. If it is ineffective or used to harm entrepreneurs, we will abolish it. The orders in the sphere of fire safety and public health protection have already been revised. As a result, the selection criteria for business inspections were reduced by 82%, from 14 to 2.5 thousand", - the speaker added.

In conclusion, the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted the fruitful work with the National Chamber.

Let’s remind, on 2nd of September opened the Forum of business ombudsmen of Kazakhstan and Russia in Astana. It was attended by Business Ombudsmen of the two countries, representatives of NCE RK "Atameken", as well as a large delegation from the two countries.

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