
We managed to "break" the notorious illness of state bodies - Alik Shpekbayev

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The main priority is the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens

During the First Forum of Business Ombudsmen of Kazakhstan and Russia, Alik Shpekbayev, Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs, spoke about the work being done to reduce corruption risks.

Alik Shpekbayev noted that the first condition for modernizing a new type is the formation of an accountable and transparent state.

"To this end, we have implemented the practice of annual public reports of heads of state agencies to the public. On a permanent basis, over two hundred public councils work", - the deputy chairman of the Agency said.

"They provide citizens' access to the budget programs of state bodies, they allow to participate in the discussion of drafts of RLAs and others. This is a clear demonstration of the effectiveness of the Law "On Access to Information", - noted Alik Shpekbayev.

The speaker also stressed that the constitutional reforms carried out this year made it possible to ensure accountability of the entire state administration system and, as a result, the 35 powers of the President were redistributed, thereby strengthening the role of the Parliament and the independence of the Government.

"Starting next year, the fourth level of the budget is introduced. Rural akims will have their own budget, they will be maximally independent from the center. The success of reforms is possible only with a firm will, compact and professional state apparatus. Over these years we have reduced the control functions by 2 times. We managed to "break " such a notorious illness of state bodies as "conflict of interests". The main priority is the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, efficiency and pragmatism", - the Deputy Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan said.

In turn, the public representative of the Commissioner on issues related to the violation of the rights of entrepreneurs, Alexander Khuruji spoke on the topic "Action Stop-arrest: goals, objectives, results."

Alexander Khuruji spoke about the practice of protecting representatives of the business community from unreasonable criminal prosecution in the Russian Federation.

"Over the first 9 months of operation, the staff managed to change the punishment for at least 20 entrepreneurs throughout Russia who have been unreasonably subjected to criminal prosecution, most of which were released after the intervention", - the public representative said.

According to Alexander Khuruji, this successful practice was achieved thanks to the STOPAREST project. This is a website where representatives of any entrepreneur who is in the detention center can promptly submit information and thereby receive assistance.

It is also noted that in Russia, for more immediate assistance to the business community, a mobile application called "Nabat" was developed - thanks to which any entrepreneur can get qualified help from professional lawyers in the field of business inspections in just a few minutes.

Owing to the joint work of business ombudsmen, it was possible to protect property rights and legitimate interests of business entities on the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia, joint meetings were held both in Moscow and in Atyrau.

On 2nd of September  I Forum of business ombudsmen of Kazakhstan and Russia was opened in Astana. It was attended by Business Ombudsmen of the two countries, representatives of NCE RK "Atameken", as well as a large delegation from the two countries.

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