
By the end of the year, a law will be introduced to reduce the costs that impede business

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Serik Zhumangarin spoke about reduction of costs for business

During the First Forum of Business Ombudsmen of Russia and Kazakhstan, the First Vice-Minister of the National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serik Zhumangarin spoke about the issues of cost reduction for business and deregulation of entrepreneurial activity.

"The policy for the development of entrepreneurship is very important, the Head of State follows it. (...) Now all the work on deregulation, system support measures is made on the basis of it, the method is also applied: "What is not forbidden, it is allowed". At one time we wrote a law on the National Chamber, so I think that entrepreneurs are now united - they have a "voice". Currently, there is a good dialogue between business and government", - Serik Zhumangarin said.

The speaker noted that today the SME is the foundation of the country's well-being, so now the task is to create the most favorable conditions for its dynamic development.

"To this end, the government systematically conducts relevant reforms, the most relevant of which are the adoption of the New Tax Code and the deregulation of business", - Serik Zhumangarin said.

To reduce excessive regulation of business, common approaches have been developed that envisage the reform of control and supervisory activities, information tools, permits issued by monopolists and quasi-public sector entities and the development of the institution of "self-regulation," the capacity of the "Regulatory Impact Analysis" institute, the revision of legislation for the detection of norms , impeding competition, frontal reduction of all types of costs for business, as well as approaches to improve rating Doing Business.

"These directions will be implemented within the framework of a single draft law aimed at reducing the identified costs that impede the development and establishment of a competitive business. It is planned to adopt this draft law by the end of this year", - the vice minister of the national economy of Kazakhstan added.

According to Serik Zhumangarin, at the moment, work is underway to introduce mandatory self-regulation in 6 potential areas, in particular in appraisal, notarial, advocacy, audit activities, as well as in environmental audit and non-departmental complex expertise of construction projects. In addition, there is a development of incentive measures for business combination in voluntary self-regulatory organizations.

In turn, the trade representative of the Russian Federation in Kazakhstan Alexander Yakovlev noted that Kazakhstan has a favorable investment climate and protects the rights of both Kazakh and Russian entrepreneurs.

"The Russian Federation for 2016 invested more than 1 billion in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan invested in Russia about 700 million dollars. Today there are about 41,000 foreign enterprises on the Kazakhstani market, including 13,000 Russian enterprises. The trade turnover for the last 8 months increased by 34%", - Alexander Yakovlev added.

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