
Nursultan Nazarbayev named a number of reasons for doing business

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Nursultan Nazarbayev named a number of reasons for doing business in Kazakhstan

On 6th of September Kazakh-Polish business forum was held in Astana. The event was attended by the Heads of State of the two countries Nursultan Nazarbayev and Andrzej Duda.

The forum gathered more than 450 representatives of domestic and Polish business. In his welcoming address to the forum participants, the President of Kazakhstan stressed the importance of developing cooperation between the two countries in the trade and economic sphere, noting the significant potential for expanding these relations.

Nursultan Nazarbayev focused on the measures taken by Kazakhstan to create a favorable investment climate and their results.

"Polish citizens in Kazakhstan are exempt from visa requirements. There are working groups on the development of SMEs, mechanical engineering and agriculture. An important role is assigned to our intergovernmental commission, which works between our countries", - the Head of State said.

In addition, the President of Kazakhstan spoke about the country's participation in the construction of the new economic "Silk Road" and dwelt on Kazakh-Polish projects implemented within the framework of bilateral economic cooperation.

"An example of a successful partnership is the pharmaceutical company Polpharma. On the territory of the FEZ "Astana new city" the company "Selena Group" implemented a project for the production of building materials. The plant "KazTechMash" launched production of agricultural machinery in Petropavlovsk using technologies of Polish "Pronar". In general, there are 115 enterprises with Polish participation in Kazakhstan", - Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The head of state expressed interest in the further development of economic relations and called a number of reasons for further development of business in Kazakhstan.

"There is a Council of Foreign Investors under the President. A visa-free regime was introduced for citizens of 61 countries. There are 10 special economic zones and about 20 industrial zones. The state provides the necessary infrastructure for the participants of these zones. The participants of FEZ are also granted tax privileges and preferences. Along with this, the procedure for obtaining licenses and concluding contracts for subsoil use is simplified", - the President of Kazakhstan said.

The head of state also focused on the possibility of strengthening cooperation through the participation of Polish businessmen in privatizing the assets of Kazakh enterprises and building relations in the agricultural sector.

Nursultan Nazarbayev called the process of accelerated modernization of Kazakhstan an additional field for expansion of economic ties.

"We attach great importance to the development of all types of tourism: from business to environmental and spiritual. Given the availability of direct air services, we are interested in mutual cooperation and promotion of our tourism products. After the completion of the Expo on the basis of its infrastructure, the International Financial Center "Astana" will work. In addition, the International Center for the Development of Green Technologies and Investments will work on the basis of EXPO", - the Head of State said.

In turn, the President of the Republic of Poland thanked Nursultan Nazarbayev for the invitation to participate in the Forum.

"I am grateful for the organization of an economic meeting between Kazakhstani and Polish businesses. Last year's visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan contributed to the fact that the mutual turnovers between Poland and Kazakhstan began to grow. In 2014, the trade turnover amounted to 2 billion USD, but then there was a political recession. Thanks to the participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we are beginning to return to the indicators that were back then. For the first half of 2017, the exchange grew by 50%, imports from Kazakhstan to Poland grew by 80%. The progress is great - the political participation of the Presidents contributes to this", - Andrzej Duda believes.

Andrzej Duda noted that Poland has a desire to increase the trade turnover with Kazakhstan in the next 6 years and bring it to the level of 6 billion USD.

"I am convinced that the modernity that we see at EXPO will promote Kazakhstan's trade and the country will grow, Kazakhstan will become popular among businessmen", - the President of the Republic of Poland believes.

Andrzej Duda noted that in 2022 Poland wants to organize an EXPO in the city of Lodz.

"The city was nominated, the theme is "The rebuilt city". The city has something to show. Lodz is a city of the 19th century, an industrial city that has become a very attractive place. We count on Kazakhstan's support for our candidacy", - the President of Poland said.

Andrzej Duda added that the forum is a large representation of Polish business, private and those who are the property of the state.

"We are ready to cooperate with Kazakhstani business. "Polpharma" has been in the market for many years in Kazakhstan, other firms go to Kazakhstan on their footsteps. When you work in other countries, you establish good international relations. We are attracting Kazakh entrepreneurs to engage in business actively in our country", - Andrzej Duda stressed.

The President of the Republic of Poland explained that modern technologies for the protection of the environment are actively developing in their country.

"Today's forum is a possibility of the appearance of contracts. It is necessary that these meetings turn into concrete projects. Our policy is to remove barriers. In May 2017, direct flights between Warsaw and Astana were opened. Starting from 1st of January 2018, a visa-free regime will be introduced for up to 30 days for Poland, which will greatly facilitate visits", - the Polish President summed up.

In conclusion, the President of Kazakhstan urged businessmen to use all available opportunities for business development and strengthening of mutually beneficial partnership.

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