
The Center for Agricultural competencies will start to conduct individual classes for farmers

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Today at "Atameken" specialists were taught how to communicate information correctly

The training for experts of the Center is held these days at NCE within the framework of the state task "Services for the dissemination of knowledge for the subjects of the agro-industrial complex on a gratuitous basis". The main goal of the event is to improve the professional level and speaking skills.

Since last year the Center conducts scientific and practical seminars in all regions of the country for the subjects of the agro-industrial complex.

To this end, with the participation of Kazakhstani and foreign experts, training programs were developed in 25 main directions. Further knowledge went to the people. Currently, 3 562 people attended the lectures of the Center.

"This project has no analogues in all of Kazakhstan. We conduct free training of our farmers, managers and employees of peasant farms. Our courses last up to 4 days, there are cyclical courses up to 8 days. We choose a basic farm in any region of the country and send there our specialist, scientist in the field of agro-industrial complex. Agricultural producers gather there and the theory and practice is taught on real examples", - Timur Nakhpbekov, deputy director of the Center for Agricultural Competencies of NCE RK "Atameken" said.

This year's innovation will be point consultations, when any farmer will be able to write a letter and invite an expert to himself. Within a week, he will help to solve business problems and introduce new technologies in the sphere of agro-industrial complex. Targeted consultations in the pilot regime have already been introduced in Mangistau, North Kazakhstan and South Kazakhstan regions.

Timur Nakhpbekov told about the principle of choosing lecturers for the project.

"There is a list of trainers, specialists, scientists, whom we send to RCE and on the regional councils of the agrarian and industrial complex discuss these nominations, after which they submit their proposals. We ask the opinions of entrepreneurs directly, they need to know who, how to teach. After that, our working group, which includes the Committee of the Agro- industrial Complex of the National Chamber, branch associations, is considering these nominations. Then a list is posted on our portal, electronic voting is carried out, then all materials are submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture", - the Deputy Director of the Center explained.

 Now an online application system is being introduced to participate in the selection of lecturers. Any entrepreneur with a basic farm will be able to familiarize himself with the requirements of the CAC website and apply.

"Today we are holding a training seminar for our trainers, educating them with oratory skills and improving our qualifications. Yesterday, a seminar was held at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the issues of agriculture, subsidies, lending in the countryside, and the organization of agricultural cooperatives were discussed. Our trainers should be aware of the latest changes in state support, as well as the opportunity to submit their proposals to the Ministry of Agriculture. Today, experienced professionals will work on how to train, how to work with the audience, how to do time management. On those courses that last 4 days, it is not always easy to interest the listener. It is necessary that they can get the information", - commented the deputy director of the Center.

The speaker also noted that this is a good opportunity for the lecturers to exchange opinions, discuss what problems exist in different regions. Trainings for lecturers are held at least once every six months.

"But such a large-scale training, where specialists from all over Kazakhstan get together, is held once a year", - Timur Nahipbekov said.

Bolat Seisenov, director Livestock Department of the CAC, believes that training for lecturers will help resolve conflict situations, it will allow to be more stress-resistant.

"This is all psychology. Business coaches, which we brought, will teach you how to provide information, how to manage a class better, that is, to hold seminars in the form of a game or in other formats. Our coaches are more practicing, businessmen. They know their narrow direction. But we need help in the field of psychology and communication of information. Seminars will consist of two parts, before lunch theory, after lunch practice. It's very hard. 15 to 60 people come. They sit in the hall, that is, those people who came to the seminar and want information. Here in this part they need to keep the class focused and interested", - the director of the Livestock Department added.


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