
The campaign "Atamekenim" will give a new status to the entrepreneur

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Campaign "Atamekenim" starts in all regions of the country

On 11th of September 2017, a press conference took place at the site of the National Chamber, during which the campaign "Atameken" was launched.

"The program of the head of the state "Bolashak Bagdar: Rukhani zhangyru " is actively discussed everywhere. There is a lot of direction, including an appeal for entrepreneurs. Having thoroughly studied everything and looked at the international experience, we decided to take as the basis the social responsibility of the entrepreneur through attitudes towards the Motherland", - the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov, opened the press conference.


The campaign is aimed at supporting business initiatives in matters of social responsibility. The goals of charity are targeting, efficiency, sustainability and professionalism.

"To achieve these goals - it is necessary to have a clear vision of the problems in the context of each locality. Today, a number of proposals have been developed to support the initiative of business in this direction", - stressed the Chairman of the Board.

"Atamekenim" starts in 14 regions of Kazakhstan and the cities of Astana and Almaty. As a result, Atameken will form a package of proposals to stimulate the business to show social responsibility and submit it to the Government for consideration.

"NCE together with akimat of Pavlodar region in the pilot mode prepared the Register of social problems on the example of Ekibastuz and Shcherbakty region in the context of settlements. There were mentioned such simple things as shortage of drinking water and repair of roads. The list will be publicly available, so that an entrepreneur could, in the form of PPPs, or otherwise help the population in these matters", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov explained.

Also, "Atameken" in order to strengthen motivation is proposed to establish a state award and improve the criteria for the "Paryz" competition. To introduce the nomination "The Best Social Entrepreneur" for entrepreneurship in the field of solving social problems.

"Based on the world experience, it is proposed to assign own names of entrepreneurs to private objects of social infrastructure created by them in the process of charitable activity",- the speaker said. Ablay Myrzakhmetov also talked about economic measures to stimulate charity. "Currently in Kazakhstan, certain tax incentives are used to motivate the business to socially responsible activities. Judging by the available information - there is no monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of existing mechanisms for using benefits, as charity affects the development of society. I would add that according to the experts' opinion, the practice of charity in Kazakhstan is not sufficiently developed, in comparison with other countries. We propose to discuss this topic in detail with entrepreneurs, to offer your recommendations", - the speaker suggested.

The entrepreneur, philanthropist Kayrat Kudaibergen, in turn, noted that such an action would support philanthropists.

"Nobody wants to show and advertise good deeds. As the saying goes, "Did good and throw it into the water." But, by disseminating information about such initiatives, we are launching a "good virus" and this is correct. This is a big ideology. Also the main problem is that no one knows about tax preferences. It is necessary to distribute such incentive measures", - Kayrat Kudaibergen said.

During the press conference, the Register of Social Problems was presented online. On the new site of NCE RK "Atameken" under the heading "Charity" a Register of social problems was created. With its help, any person will be able to add their problem to the database, and the entrepreneur will respond to it. In the pop-up window there will be a function to order a callback or to write a message with questions of interest to it. After that, he will be provided with all the details of the problem. Further in the plans publication below examples when the entrepreneur helped solve the problem, the "Leave a feedback" button appears.

Atameken wants to collect similar information about existing social problems across Kazakhstan, to make it into the Register of Social Problems. The entrepreneur will be able to look and provide some kind of support, after which he will have the opportunity to take advantage of tax preferences ", - explained the Deputy Chairman of the Board Eldar Zhumagaziev.

In addition, Atameken plans to create a thematic public group in Facebook and Instagram, which will bring together people with social responsibility, businessmen ready to help solve various social problems of society.

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