
China appreciated the achievements of Kazakhstan in agriculture

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China hosts annual international exhibition "China-ASEAN Expo-2017"

The annual exhibition "China-ASEAN Expo-2017" is held in Nanning City of the People's Republic of China.

Vice Premier of the State Council Zhang Gaoli and First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev, representatives of state bodies and regional authorities of the two countries took part in it.


"The initiative of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev to link the" Economic belt of the Silk Road" with the program "Nurly Zhol" allowed to attract investments and coordinate the actions of the two countries on infrastructure projects", - Askar Mamin said and stressed the successful implementation of projects that increase the competitiveness of the economies of the two countries. reports.

It should be noted that China is one of Kazakhstan's strategic partners in the sphere of economy.

"Our countries are linked by the economic strategy "One belt, one way", designed to revive the traditions of the historical Silk Road in modern conditions", - the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber said.

On 16th of September 2013, President Xi Jinping in Kazakhstan announced in Kazakhstan his idea of the "Economic belt of the Silk Road".

The concept "One belt and one way" is an initiative of mutually beneficial cooperation and joint development. It covers a number of spheres, from purely economic, infrastructural to humanitarian. In particular, the development of the agro-industrial complex is becoming a special driver of the countries' economic partnership.

"Atameken" represents the Kazakhstani business community, which China views as the largest and most promising trading partner in the agro-industrial sector", - Nurzhan Altaev stressed.

Kazakhstani entrepreneurs are interested in cooperation in the implementation of joint projects with Chinese partners in processing agricultural products in Kazakhstan, with the further export of high-quality agricultural products to China.

Nurzhan Altaev also stressed that Kazakhstan can become a country that can ensure China's food security.

The importance of cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China in attracting investment in the development of processing of agricultural products was highlighted in the meeting between President Nursultan Nazarbayev and President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China in Astana in June this year.

Nurzhan Altaev added that a number of joint investment projects are being implemented in Kazakhstan in the framework of previously signed agreements, including in the processing of rapeseed oil, meat, tomatoes and other agricultural products. In addition, in the framework of cooperation with the largest Chinese company "Citic Group" preparatory work is underway to implement the two largest projects for processing grain and wheat straw.

 “Since this year, Kazakhstani products are available in the Chinese market through the electronic trading platform "Jumore ". An agreement was reached with Jumore on cooperation in the opening of a multifunctional center in Astana, which will include a logistics hub, a financial center to ensure transactions between the parties and a shopping center. Also, clients will be provided with certification and customs clearance services", - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Atameken said.

The speaker noted the serious potential of Kazakhstan to increase the export of grain and oilseeds, flour, meat, vegetable oil, confectionery, beverages and other products. Thus, the country can take its niche in the Chinese market, as a supplier of natural and environmentally friendly products.

Nurzhan Altaev thanked the organizers of the exhibition China-ASEAN Expo-2017 for providing a unique platform for demonstrating the opportunities of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan.

"Participants and guests of the exhibition from China and South-East Asia can learn here not only about our achievements in agriculture, but also the peculiarities of Kazakhstan's investment climate, the culture of our country, tourism opportunities", - the Deputy Chairman of the Board summarized.

As a result of the forum, a number of important agreements were signed, including in the agro-industrial complex. For example, LLP “Batys Mark Lamb”, LLP “Green Plant” and “Zhen Agrotechnology Co., Ltd.” (PRC, XUAR) signed a memorandum on a joint project for the construction of a modern feedlot site with a capacity of up to 30,000 heads of a one-time maintenance and fattening and the the subsequent slaughter at the facilities of LLP "BML" and the export of frozen mutton to the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Also, Chairman of the Board of JSC "NC" Kazakh Invest" Maksat Kabashev and head of Silver Tiger Capital Cui Lunfei signed a framework agreement on cooperation to create a joint investment fund with a capitalization of 250 million USD.

Chairman of the Management Board of Aitey Group Holding Seitzhan Yesimov and Chairman of the Board of the company Stone Stock Hu Jingpai signed the Agreement on Strategic Partnership.

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