
The greenhouse made in KZ was launched in Karaganda

- Karaganda Region
9155 просмотров

It will grow 30 kilograms of greens per day

Today an interesting conversation took place about a greenhouse with a young entrepreneur Arman Tuskanbayev, who successfully paved his way into the world of business. Arman, while still a student at the University of Tomsk, offered to create vertical greenhouses, and actively promoted this idea. In parallel, during this period, he founded a company with the watch brand Otan, the company for the production of equipment for growing feed "New green technologies" and the company "Zertis".

Just a month ago in Karaganda was fully equipped a greenhouse with a total area of ​​400 square meters by the technology of groundless cultivation of plants in multi-tier plants. This greenhouse will give out 30 kilograms of greenery per day. Let's note at once, all technology of cultivation is Kazakhstani and patented.

"The greenhouse was created by joint efforts. My friend and partner Diyas Tastanbek is a chemist, we together created the technology of cultivation. No equipment from abroad was brought. Therefore, I can’t disclose all the magic of technology", - the entrepreneur admits.

The uniqueness of the greenhouse is that the greenery grows not on the water, but on the water mist. Soil is also absent. According to Armand, nutrients are supplied by the root system - directly to the plants. Mandatory use of macro and micro elements for fertalization. A total of 30 installations are installed on 400 square meters. Thanks to the multi-tier technology, these 400 squares increase by 3-4 times and it is about 1200 sq. meters. According to the entrepreneur, the product is environmentally friendly, there are research results.

"All this is incomparable with the production on the field. There are weeds on the field, pests are found. respectively, pesticides are used against them. In the greenhouse, things are different. Now the first crop was sown. Vegetation period is from 20 to 30 days. So we plan to receive up to 30 kg of greenery per day. We will grow arugula, basil, lettuce on a multi-level aerophone system. All the products are sold to restaurants in Astana and Karaganda", - the businessman says.

Within a month, 1 ton of greenery will be exported from the greenhouse, which in fact does not cover the required volume of the capital market. As it turned out, all the Kazakhstani greenhouses grow cucumbers and tomatoes. And no one cultivates the greenery.

"For example, daily consumption of Astana according to our calculations is 16 tons of greens per day. This is a very huge amount, where our 30 kilograms do not solve anything. Due to this 80% of the Kazakhstani market at the moment is occupied by Israel", - the young businessman explains.

By the way, in 2014 Arman Tuskanbaev's project "Hydroponic Equipment Production Workshop" won a grant of 3 million KZT within the framework of the "Business Road Map 2020" program, and in 2017 the businessman was trained at the Agroculture Center.

"Training in the Center for Agrocultural Competences was useful. We thoroughly acquainted with the conditions of growing green on the field. I think in the future I will necessarily replenish the knowledge, but already in greenhouse cultivation", - Arman Tuskanbekov notes.

During the equipment and construction of the greenhouse, Arman used 90% of the equipment manufactured in Kazakhstan, that is, from plastic trays to metal profiles. The greenhouse is fully automated, the growing process is entrusted to the computer. In addition, there is one more greenhouse in Almaty. But as a businessman admits, it was created as a laboratory.

"The first experiments were conducted in Almaty, and only after they decided to place it in Karaganda. We plan to install small-size greenhouses in all cities of Kazakhstan. In the future, we also plan to increase the levels from 4 to 12. In the long term, we plan to enter the Russian and Western markets", - the entrepreneur said.


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