
The schoolchildren will be taught the basics of business from 2018

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“Atameken” invites entrepreneurs to create a textbook A briefing was held at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken”, where it was announced about the introduction of a new subject in the country's schools - "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business". It will be taught from the next year on an elective basis (that is, at the choice, at the request of the student). The lessons will be held twice a week for pupils of the 10th and 11th grades in the state and Russian languages. The initiator of the subject was NCE.

"Our main task is to develop entrepreneurial thinking among schoolchildren, so that children can apply the knowledge gained in everyday life. If he lives in the village, he should know how much he can earn on the sale and processing of milk, from which the price will be formed. Today, young people are sitting in social networks, watching the lives of successful people. If a student is interested in such people, then you need to tell them how to achieve this success through entrepreneurship", - Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldar Zhumagaziev said.

Atameken noted that the project is being implemented within the framework of the program article of the Head of State and the republican campaign "Atameken". Since childhood it is important to cultivate the principles of healthy pragmatism among schoolchildren, to give the opportunity to receive useful and practical knowledge for life. At the same time the National Chamber has prepared the material that is really interesting for schoolchildren. Therefore, instead of boring lessons developers propose to apply the practice of "gaming".

"The program will consist of 40% of theory, 15% of real cases, and 45% - practical tasks in a game form. Why gaming? Because entrepreneurship is not history or mathematics, entrepreneurship is an action, and it is through practice that one can learn and understand something", - Yermek Duyshenkhanov, representative of the working group on the development of the training program said.

The initiative of "Atameken" was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the country. A joint project implementation plan has already been drawn up, and a regulatory framework has been prepared.

"We plan to train 150,000 schoolchildren at the first stage. For this purpose, already in the spring of next year, about 3 thousand teachers will undergo retraining courses. The foundations of entrepreneurship are in the leading countries of the world, therefore we supported the initiative and believe that such a subject will help to bring up competitive youth", - Bibigul Asylova, Vice Minister of Education and Science said.

The representative of KASE, Yevgeny Mukhamedzhanov, who is present at the briefing, added that the Kazakhstani stock exchange always supports projects in the education of Kazakhstan. And this project was no exception.

"In 2008, for the first time, training was held for students of leading universities in Almaty. Gradually, the technologies developed, we improved our educational complex. Since 2012, students have been given the opportunity to participate in training courses remotely. Thanks to innovative developments and introduction of advanced market experience, over the years we were able to attract about 4,500 students from 80 universities and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the project. We are confident that high school graduates will be able to take part in this project at least as successfully, and we will apply all the necessary efforts for this", - Yevgeny Mukhamedzhanov said.

Entrepreneur Magzhan Madiyev, in turn, noted that it is impossible to overestimate the role of entrepreneurs in any of the economies of the world.

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