
The number of inspections of business from next year will be reduced by 30%

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Amendments to the legislative acts on the improvement of business regulation were discussed at "Atameken" On 20th of September 2017 at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" was held a presentation of the draft law, amending the legislative acts on improving the regulation of business activities. The event was attended by Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken", Vice-Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serik Zhumangarin, business entities and industry associations.

"The considered draft law is aimed at large-scale deregulation of business. It involves the reform of state control and supervision, amendments in such areas as frontal cost cutting for business and the revision of legislation in order to eliminate the norms that impede competition. There are also amendments aimed at improving Kazakhstan's position in the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating", - Rustam Zhursunov said.​

As Serik Zhumangarin added, the draft law contains 2000 pages, 713 amendments to 15 Codes and 103 laws. One of the main innovations of the draft law is the introduction of preventive control.

 As a result, the businessman will be given an order to eliminate violations without imposing an administrative penalty. It will be possible to initiate an administrative case only if the elimination of violations is impossible. For example, harm to human health, the environment, as well as in cases of violation of the financial market and legal interests of individuals and legal entities.

"Practice shows that the current system of state control and supervision is organized in such a way as to only ascertain the facts of violations and apply measures of responsibility. The principles of interaction between business entities and the state are the effectiveness of state regulation of entrepreneurship and the priority of prevention of violations", Aslanbek Dzhakupov, deputy director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan said.

The draft law also excludes duplication and unrelated control and oversight of government agencies’ functions. In addition, 6 areas of control and supervision from 25 are transferred to the general procedure for organizing and conducting inspections.

An important innovation is the reduction in the timing of inspections. By special order and professional control with a visit to the subject of the entrepreneurship - from 30 to 15 working days. Unscheduled inspections - from 30 to 10 working days.

In general, the measures taken to reform state control and supervision will reduce the number of inspections by 30% by 2018, which is no more than 70 thousand, and by 2020 -  another 10%.

As part of the development of the document, a large number of unnecessary reports and certificates were revealed, which entrepreneurs are obliged to provide. By 2018, they will also be reduced by 30% and fixed legislatively.

"Separate attention in the framework of the draft law is paid to the development of the institute of self-regulation. In particular, stimulating the development of voluntary self-regulating organizations, including the creation of such organizations based on mandatory membership, on the basis of voluntary ones. Stimulation of subjects of entrepreneurial and professional activity towards the transition to self-regulation and the like. The draft law also provides for the expansion of the institute's capacity to "analyze regulatory impact" and reduce the standards that impede the development of competition", - Rustam Zhursunov noted.

As it was noted by the deputy chairman of the National Chamber, all open questions on the draft law will be discussed in the Mazhilis of the country's parliament.

Draft Law 


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