
Ablay Myrzakhmetov called conditions that will help business to survive in foreign markets

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The V Forum of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan was held in Astana For 5 years with the constant support of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Union of Machine Builders together with the Ministry for Investments and Development of the RK have been holding the main event of the year for domestic machine builders. This year the theme of the forum is "New industrialization of Kazakhstan: high-tech engineering". Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov within the framework of the event spoke about the relationship of business with the state and quasi-public sector, focused on pressing issues of procurement, sales, local content, expansion of large subsoil users.

"We propose to develop jointly and adopt a comprehensive program to develop competitiveness, the ultimate goal of which will be to export products", - the speaker suggested.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted that in order to increase competitiveness in procurement, it is necessary to adopt national standards.

"This standard will be a kind of "filter" with participation in procurement and will support domestic producers in a highly competitive environment. We also need to pay attention to the technical regulation of standardization. This is the protection of the domestic market from counterfeit. It is necessary to strengthen those requirements that increase competition", - the Chairman of the Board of Atameken said.

The speaker added that the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is working together in this direction.

"There is a common understanding. We need to seriously work out how, through standards of technical regulation, certification protects against counterfeiting. It is necessary to be constantly critical to do all analyzes of state support measures, to look at what measures are needed in order to increase competitiveness", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov explained. In addition, according to the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken", one of the first tasks should be the formation of a legitimate, working Register of domestic producers. "In the form of the main criterion for the inclusion of domestic producers in it, we see the existence of a legally defined Industrial Certificate confirming the availability of real production. Under the WTO conditions, the use of these tools will contribute to a better understanding of the current situation, as well as more verified support mechanisms", - Myrzakhmetov said.

Along with this, it is necessary to conduct sectoral studies with the obligatory participation of industry associations. Based on the research results, it is necessary to form industry development programs, which should have a practical effect. The Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" added that the most important thing is that business should also undertake certain obligations.

"The time has come when you can say that business is responsible today. If he heard clearly the measures that we have worked out, they are ready to take responsibility for improving their competitiveness, including a digitalization commitment. It is necessary to pay attention to the consumer market. Know what subcontracts are needed, make an assessment. For example, according to the experience of Russia, to establish a subcontract in such a way as not only to sit on state purchases, but to develop inter-industrial relations, to promote our brands and business. Here, too, state support measures will be needed", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.


On 20-21st of September the V anniversary forum of machine builders of Kazakhstan is held in Astana. The topic of the forthcoming Forum is "New Industrialization of Kazakhstan: High-Tech Engineering". This year, within the framework of the Forum, 10 sectional meetings will be held.

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