
The issue of electricity tariffs aroused controversy among entrepreneurs

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СHow much will the products cost with the new tariff? On 26th of September, a meeting on tariffs for electricity was held on the site of Atameken. Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov, opening the meeting, told about the agenda of the meeting, this is the question of abolishing the differentiation of tariffs of power supply organizations for electric energy by the zones of the day, charging high debts for collection of water supply and sanitation services.

"The first question touched many: from poultry farmers, millers, owners of bakeries, greenhouses and up to the companies producing building materials, namely those who work at night. Therefore, it is important to create a platform for discussion of all parties and understand the position of everyone", - Eldos Ramazanov said.

In accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 11th of July 2017, No. 89-VI "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Electricity Issues", differentiated tariffs for electricity by day zones are applied for all categories of consumers (individuals and legal entities). The purpose of introducing differentiated tariffs for the zones of the day was to stimulate the smoothing of the peaks of electric energy consumption, however, as practice showed, this tool did not lead to proper results, and therefore was canceled.

Chairman of the Board of JSC "Kazakh Construction Industry" Bogenbai Abylayuly from the South Kazakhstan region expressed puzzlement in connection with the above changes.

"We have prepared personnel, our factories, ferroconcrete warehouses and so on, purchased the necessary meters, trained the personnel, went according to the requirements of the power supply organization for consumption. The main idea was to reduce the peak load in the power systems from 19.00 to 23.00. We contributed, despite the fact that this was for us a well-established system. But now the payment for consumption has increased by 1.5 - 2 times. This will negatively affect the functioning of our production facilities", - Bogenbay Abylayuly said.

In turn, the general director of LLP "AlmatyEnergoSbyt" Mikhail Hamburger stressed that for 6 years, taking into account the introduction of differentiated tariffs, the profile of the daily schedule has not changed.

"You are talking about 4 MW, but do not forget that Kazakhstan is hundreds of times higher. There are enterprises that do not really benefit from switching to day zones. Take electric transport, which works exactly in the evening hours, it turns out that the price of the ticket should have grown 5 times, but this did not happen", - Mikhail Hamburger believes in his turn.

Head of the Electricity Regulatory Authority of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies, Protection of Competition and Consumer Rights of MNE of RK Kalila Kokkozova said that the analysis on this issue was conducted by the Committee for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies and found that during the period of differentiated tariffs, the evening maximum was reduced only by 0, 5% across the country.

"There was no maximum reduction. The main task is not fulfilled. This norm has been discussed for 3 years ", - explained Kalila Kokkozova.

Public activist, member of the Tariff Council of NCE RK "Atameken" Petr Svoik stressed that it is necessary to keep the differentiated tariffs.

"For the consumer, this is beneficial, for the power system too. Everything closes on the energy supplying organizations. The refusal of the energy supplying organizations from the two stowage tariffs (actual sabotage) is caused by their own disinterest in such differentiation, in view of the lack of differentiation of the purchasing tariffs of power plants. I suggest that "Atameken" work out the issue of establishing differentials for power plants included in dispatch schedules of load regulation", - Petr Svoik suggested.

Deputy Director of the Department of Electric Power and Coal Industry of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Talgat Abilgazy stressed that these issues were discussed for a long time.

"In fact, this is a question of two consumers. Categories of some consumers pass overnight, they form a cash gap. In the end, it will lie on those who didn’t switch. As a result, it turns out that those consumers who are unable to switch to night consumption suffer and according to the data of the KREMZKiPP these consumers are the majority, about 70% to 30%", - Talgat Abilgazi specified.

On this issue, the Tariff Council members decided that it is necessary to analyze the pros and cons of abolishing the di-tariffs for the business community. And also "Atameken" together with interested organizations and state bodies discussed the proposals of members of the Council for the introduction of differentials in power plants. In addition, during the consideration of the question of charging high amounts for collection of debts for water supply and sanitation services, the Council members noted the need to introduce measures to ensure transparency of the verification of metering devices by the representatives of the hydro-water channels, and also to transfer responsibility for the installation and maintenance of metering devices from the consumer service provider. For a more detailed solution of the issue, it was decided to hold a separate additional meeting with entrepreneurs, representatives of municipal water channels and interested state bodies.

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