
Business costs in construction estimates are adjusted

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Prices for works and building materials became market ones Meetings, within the framework of the approved schedule by Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov and Deputy Minister for Investment and Development of RK Roman Sklyar dated by June 22, 2017, of meetings of the working group on the development of construction, urban development and architecture in 10 main areas, bear fruit.

About this work briefly and in essence will tell the director of the construction department Aspen Dosmaganov.

"Firstly, consideration is given to the systemic basis of issues related to the introduction of changes and additions to the current estimate and regulatory framework, including the Compilation of Estimated Prices within the framework of a specially created Working Group on the initiative of NCE in the context of all 16 regions. Large companies - members of "Atameken" note an increase in the cost of prices for basic construction materials", - Aspena Dosmaganova explained.

For example:

As a result, representatives of construction companies in a targeted mode discuss with the participation of representatives of Atameken and bring to the attention of the authorized body information on understated prices. Special attention was paid in the working group to the actualization of prices for lift equipment. If in the first quarter the price, for example, on the "Passenger Elevator" energy-saving model and carrying capacity of 400 kg. with the number of 9 stops and the rate of lifting 1m / s in the standard cabin finish, the estimated prices was 4 078 824, 00 tenge, bit in the second quarter the price was 6 459 242, 00, which is 59% higher. Producers note a significant increase in the amount of prices after the intervention of representatives of Atameken to this issue, but we must not forget that prices are rising constantly and today the price should already be 7 800 000 tenge. "Secondly, the long overdue issue of increasing cost of architectural supervision services. Since the new 2018, new prices for this service market will come into effect. September 15, 2017 at a regular meeting of NCE with the participation of the National Council the standard for determining the cost of engineering services in construction approved.

This issue was raised in front of the leadership of the authorized body of NCE RK "Atameken" from 2015, in 2016 the budget application for the development of the Standard was approved. This year, work was carried out on its text and in 2018 the business can already count on an adequate assessment of its work. This work was constantly monitored by the Department of Construction of NCE RK "Atameken", although the solution of the problem due to the complicated implementation procedure took more than one year", - the director clarified.

The slides below clearly show the difference in cost prices: current and approved, which will be in effect from 2018.


"Thirdly, Atameken calls on businesses to actively join the development of technological maps. In particular, the formation of the list of technological maps planned for development in 2018-2020. And also through independent development and subsequent approval by the authorized body, which in turn expressed its readiness, providing comprehensive assistance in calculating labor costs, time costs, volume of materials, etc. In the near future, a meeting with representatives of the Committee for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of MID RK will be held on the site of the National Chamber. "Businesses do not have problems in the descriptive part of the sequential technological process of using any equipment or material with the independent development of technological maps.

However, according to the rules for the formation of the 9th section, where all the calculations are reflected, it is necessary to hold, I think, the educational program. In general, we see the dynamics and improvement of the conditions for the construction business in the considered areas of the budget estimate", - Aspena Dosmaganova summed up.

All questions to the Director of the Department of Construction Dosmaganova Aspen. Tel .: 8 (7172) 919361.

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