
Requirements of doctors and emergency workers to business will be considerably reduced

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Ablay Myrzakhmetov spoke about the measures to improve the regulation of entrepreneurial activity Speaking at a government meeting, the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" noted that the new draft law is the result of a great joint work of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state bodies and "Atameken". "The Institute for Preventive Control is certainly a good signal for business, as we move from punitive measures to prevention. In the field of control and supervision there is a good message to reduce pressure on business. Since the number of inspections has been reduced by 30% and the number of demands has been reduced by 50%", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov emphasized. According to the Chairman of the Board, over the past 5 years, the leaders in business checks were the sanitary doctors, emergency service and tax authorities. Therefore, it is extremely important that the new bill reduces SanPin requirements by more than 80% and more than 70% for fire safety. The time of inspections will be reduced as well: from 30 to 10 working days - unscheduled inspections, the time of preventive control up to 15 working days.

"Atameken" together with experts conducted a survey of five and a half thousand respondents in all regional centers, Astana and Almaty. As a result, 71 recommendations were proposed to reduce frontal costs for business. In the course of the audit of permits, which concern the quasi-public sector and monopolists, 69 proposals have been developed. It is important that these recommendations will form the basis of the law", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said. He stressed that these measures will create orderliness, responsibility of monopolists and quasi-government. All internal acts will be coordinated by the appropriate regulatory authorities.

 Separately, Ablay Myrzakhmetov focused on the measures taken by state bodies to improve Kazakhstan's position in the rating of "Doing Business". He proposed to include in the annual plan of legislative work measures that will help to eliminate systemic problems from the Register, which forms the National Chamber. "Law enforcement practice always provides food for thought. If each year we approached the Mazhilis with a specific amendment, it would help to improve the legislation in support of entrepreneurship", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

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