
A single digital platform will combine state support measures for business

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MNE of RK, "Atameken" and "Baiterek" signed a memorandum

On 3rd of October the Minister of National Economy Timur Suleimenov, the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov and the Chairman of the Management Board of the Holding "Baiterek" Aidar Arifkhanov signed a memorandum on the implementation of the "single window" state support for SMEs within the digital platform.

The parties will work together to develop a "single window" on measures of state support for SMEs within the digital platform. The text of the memorandum notes that the parties will work together to create a single digital platform that unites all measures of state support for small and medium-sized businesses on the principle of a "single window" within the framework of the Digital Kazakhstan program.

The parties will also interact and exchange the necessary information to optimize and automate government support measures, and then integrate them with the Single Digital Platform for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses on a one-stop-shop basis. 

Currently, there are more than 20 institutions in Kazakhstan that provide entrepreneurs with various government support measures. But only about 15% of entrepreneurs know about them and use them. In this connection, in 2016 one of the priority directions of the activity of NCE RK "Atameken" was defined the project "Government for business", which should unite all services and measures to support entrepreneurs in a "single window". Since 3rd of November 2016, "Atameken" has launched the project "Government for Business" based on the digital platform Atameken Services (

Within the framework of the project, 8 categories of non-financial support services for entrepreneurs, 9 services in each category were automated. Since the beginning of the service, entrepreneurs have submitted more than 15,000 applications, of which 13,000 have already been submitted. The most popular non-financial support measures are: accounting and tax accounting, legal services. Withdrawing services through a "single window" allows to ensure equal access of entrepreneurs to all support measures and business development services. Also, the need for contact with people is eliminated and corruption risks are reduced.

Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs (CEPs) and Business Support Centers (PSCs) provide uniform quality standards for the provision of services throughout the country, regardless of whether the city or the village of the applicant, already today an entrepreneur can electronically apply for services from anywhere in Kazakhstan and track the progress its execution.

"We continue to work towards the digitization of services for business, in particular, we are increasing the assortment of Atameken services showcases and increasing their accessibility for the development of entrepreneurship in the country", - said the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

On 13rd of September 2017, during the republican meeting with the participation of the Head of State N. Nazarbayev on the issues of "Digitalization of the country's economy", NCE RK "Atameken" together with JSC "Kazakhtelecom" presented the Digital Platform project, which was supported by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As a result of the meeting, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with Atameken established a working group and approved a plan for a schedule of visits by state agencies to the digitization department of the National Council for the re-engineering and automation of state support measures. The analysis and proposals on optimization of procedures for the provision of 30 measures of state support (MA RK - 15, MNE RK - 7, MID RK - 8) out of 56 measures have been prepared.

The proposals are aimed at shortening the terms of the provision of services and the list of required documents, and also worked together with business representatives. NCE RK "Atameken" is ready to submit these proposals to the Interdepartmental Commission (IC), chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Askar Zhumagaliyev. In the future, it is planned to make proposals on the remaining 26 measures. Holding Baiterek and NCE RK Atameken offer to organize interaction between digital platforms Digital Baiterek and Atameken on the principles of partnership. Aggregate the services of the holding on the platform of electronic services for business "Atameken services", using accessible information and organizational resources.

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