
Irrigated lands of Kazakhstan will increase by 610 thousand hectares

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Systemic issues of the country's agro-industrial complex discussed at Atameken On 4th of October, a meeting of the AIC Committee was held at Atameken site under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Committee for Agro-Industrial Complex of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Ivan Sauer. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev, First Vice Minister of Agriculture Kayrat Aytuganov, representatives of state bodies, industry associations and business communities.

"The presentation of the Chairman of the Committee on Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the progress of the ongoing work on the restoration of water infrastructure is on the agenda. Also, discussion of draft maps for the development of priority areas of the agro-industrial complex, consideration of the agreement on a free trade zone between Iran and the EAEU", - Ivan Sauer opened the meeting.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev added that "irrigated land" is an important issue in the development of agriculture. Currently, a number of existing irrigation systems in the republic require urgent reconstruction.

"To solve problems of provision of agricultural producers with machinery, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, the Ministry has developed road maps. Today's meeting will be fruitful for each of the present parties", - Nurzhan Altaev said.

In addition, the participants of the event discussed the issues on carrying out measures by farmers to localize and eliminate the outbreaks of quarantine objects, that is, independently to protect their own crops, while receiving subsidies for the purchase of pesticides. During the meeting, the issues of expediency of the transfer of the Union of Poultry Breeders of Kazakhstan to the Union of Poultry Breeders of Kazakhstan were considered to verify the reliability of drawing up technological maps for the production of poultry enterprises.

Following the results of this issue, a majority vote of the AIC Committee was voted for the expediency of the transfer. Later this proposal will be sent to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee on Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of RK Islam Abishev spoke about the plan of measures for the implementation of the State Program for the Development of the Agro-industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period 2017-2021, which provides for the restoration of irrigation systems of regular irrigation lands on an area of 610 thousand hectares, as well as lands of limn irrigation - 368.0 thousand hectares.

"The approximate amount of expenses for the restoration of irrigation systems of regularly irrigated lands with an area of ​​610,000 hectares is more than 277.7 billion tenge or an average of 455.2 thousand tenge per 1 hectare of an estuary 17.5 billion tenge or 48 thousand tenge per 1 hectare",  - said Islam Abishev.

He also added that the measures taken to implement the developed plan in the future will improve the water availability of 140 thousand hectares of irrigated land, introduce an additional 31,3 thousand hectares of new agricultural land, and also provide watering of 93,2 thousand hectares of pastures.

Chairman of UYLIP "Union of Potato Growers and Vegetable Growers of Kazakhstan" Kairat Bisetayev noted that saving the budget should not negatively affect the quality of the irrigation procedure.

Currently, in the structure of the domestic fleet of agricultural machinery, more than 55% is occupied by machinery with a service life of more than 17 years.

"The use of worn-out equipment by seed farms leads to a surplus of fuel and electricity in the amount of 1.1 billion per year KZT. In addition, the worn-out technique increases the traumatability of seeds by 4-10%, depending on the type of crop, reduces their germination by 6-15% yield of conditioned seeds to 10% and worsens seed yield to 50% (tons / hour)", - First Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan said.

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