
The meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council will be held on 11th of October

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It is planned to consider and discuss a number of issues that will ensure the further work of the integration association on 11th of October 2017 in Sochi. The meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council will be held this year, with the participation of the Heads of the EAEU member states (hereinafter - SEEC meeting). Within the framework of the meeting, it is planned to consider and discuss a number of issues that will ensure the further work of the integration association. The issue on the main directions of the implementation of the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Community till 2025 was included in the agenda of SEEC. During the discussion, the Kazakh side took an active part and the opinion of the domestic business voiced by NCE RK “Atameken”, which were fully taken into account.

It is worth emphasizing the growing pace of work in the EAEU on the issues of digitalization of the economy, dictated by the requirements of the modern world market, designed to serve as the foundation for the future development of the information technology industry in the member states of the Union. The need to simplify the procedures for the exchange of information between the member states of the Union through the transition to an electronic format was reflected in the new Customs Code of EAEU. At present, the member countries of the Union carry out the internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Community dated by 11th of April 2017. In turn, within the framework of the meeting of the Heads of States, it is planned to confirm readiness for the application of this Treaty from 1st of January 2018. It should be reminded that the Customs Code of the Union became the first supranational code prepared taking into account the opinion of the business circles of the member states of EAEU, the entry into force of which will allow the transition to a unified customs regulation and transparency of work in all countries of the Union.

The Customs Code of the EAEU will ensure:

  • the use of electronic (paperless) customs declarations throughout the Union;
  • automatic release of goods in the event that the risk management system has not worked (the exclusion of the human factor);
  • filing a customs declaration without submitting to the customs body the documents on the basis of which it is completed;
  • use of the "single window" mechanism in the performance of customs operations related to the arrival, departure, customs declaration and release of goods; reduction of the period of control during transit, etc.

One of the organizational issues to be discussed in the framework of the meeting of the Presidents of EAEU member states is the transition of the chairmanship in the bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union from the Kyrgyz Republic to the Russian Federation. In order to develop international relations and enhance the image of the Eurasian Union of States, the Heads of the countries participating in the Union will consider the main areas of international activity of the Eurasian Economic Community for 2018, developed on the basis of an analysis of the Union's position in the international arena, as well as the political and economic interests of the states- members for the forthcoming period. The results of the meeting should be the next step on the way to the development of the Union, deepening the integration processes in the Eurasian space, consolidating the achieved successes and working out further plans for the near future.

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