
The launch of the system for labelling products from natural fur is about to start

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" informs that on the legal Internet portal were published the rules for the implementation of the pilot project for the introduction of labelling of goods with control (identification) marks under the heading "Items of clothing, clothing accessories and others articles made of natural fur"(hereinafter the Rules). Atameken informs about the need to prepare for the launch of the marking and recalls the requirements for registration in the GS1 Kazakhstan Association and the addition of goods to the GS1 system to obtain the GTIN.

In addition, according to the Rules, from the moment of launching the information system into commercial operation, 90 calendar days are provided for marking the remains of fur garments. Along with this, Atameken reminds that the marking procedure applies exclusively to entrepreneurial activities related to the production, importation and sale of fur products in the following cases:

  • when importing goods from third countries;
  • in the production (sewing) of fur products in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • in cross-border trade (import / export from the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union);
  • at commission trade;
  • when marking the rest of the goods.

However, the step-by-step algorithm for the entrepreneur's actions in marking fur products can be obtained from the following links: In Kazakh: Presentation of the IS labelling in Russian: Presentation of the IC Marking Information on changes in the work on launching the marking of products made from natural fur will be reported additionally on the site of NCE RK "Atameken". To clarify the implementation of the project for marking fur products, you can contact the Department of Economic Integration of NCE RK "Atameken" by phone: 8 (7172) 91 93 73 or e-mail:

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