
Bolat Palymbetov will talk with akim of North Kazakhstan region

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of RK went to Petropavlovsk

Bolat Palymbetov, the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, arrived in Petropavlovsk with a working trip. On the site of the regional chamber of North Kazakhstan region, the Business Ombudsman held a personal reception of entrepreneurs and took part in a meeting of the Regional Council.

Seven business entities registered for the personal reception to the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan this year.

The representative of SP Ivaschenko Elena Knaus complained about the actions of power engineers.

"The essence of our problem is paying bills for electricity. Prior to the cancellation of the effect of differentiated tariffs for the zones of the day, we paid bills as legal entities. In principle, we had an average tariff, since we do not work at night. In general, everything suited us. However, having received the electricity bill for September, we learned that we were equated to individuals, that is, to ordinary consumers - apartment owners. However, we have a manufacturing enterprise with a separate room. 17 thousand over tenge was paid for electricity at a price of 19.41 tenge. At the same time, the sales tariff for legal entities is 15.51 tenge. Thus, we were placed in a completely unequal position. How can you equate SP to an apartment owner? "- the entrepreneur said with indignation.

As it turned out, the problem is in the legislative conflict.

"The department of regulation of natural monopolies explained to me that in the summer some regulation or rules came out, where it is written about the equivalence of sole proprietors to individuals. Allegedly, on this basis, the energy company acts", - explained Elena Knaus.

The representative of SP "Burykin S.I." was interested in the course of the investigation of the criminal case on the territory of the Russian Federation for the theft of bicycle products. In the spring of 2017, a truck with goods disappeared without a trace in Russia. With this problem, they appealed to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken".

As it was explained by the Business Ombudsman, this issue is under the control of the commissioners for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of both countries.

Also, entrepreneurs complained about problems in the sphere of land relations, sale of alcohol products and illegal actions of state bodies, etc.

Zhaslan Azenov, Director of LLP "Zhaksy tuz Petropavl", spoke about the illegal actions of the department of industrial and innovative development of the North Kazakhstan region in terms of the illegal termination of three contracts of LLP.

"We had three subsoil use contracts, for the exploration and production of salt. However, in April of this year the management sent us a notice and an order for their dissolution. Thanks to the Chamber, we managed to return one contract in court. According to the other two, there is an order from the regional akim to restore them in non-judicial order, but management flatly refuses to return these contracts to us. Since the actions and acts undertaken by the Department are illegal and hinder normal work, we are forced to seek justice through the courts", - says Zh. Azenov.

However, as the entrepreneur explains, any lawsuits entail a series of losses, both in terms of time, finances, production downtimes, and losses in the sales markets, etc. Therefore, they decided to address this issue to the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs.

"The main goal of my trips is to discuss with the regional authorities the problems that were voiced at meetings with entrepreneurs and find ways to solve them. Your questions, like a number of others, will be voiced by me at a meeting with the akim of the region", - Bolat Palymbetov assured.

All problems of entrepreneurs were registered.

By the way, during the last year's trip of a Business Ombudsman to the North Kazakhstan region, he had 18 entrepreneurs on a personal reception. At present, he received 18 appeals, 10 have been resolved positively, 7 appeals require amendments to some legislative acts, and work continues on them, and one case is followed by legal proceedings.

In total, last year, North-Kazakhstan region received 305 calls for business protection. For 9 months of 2017 - 234 applications, of which 169 were resolved positively.

At the end of the working trip Bolat Palymbetov will meet with akim of the region Kumar Aksakalov.


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