
The metroploitan national company put up for sale its assets

2045 просмотров

The auction starts on 24th of October. Joint Stock Company "National Company" Socially-entrepreneurial corporation "Astana" (hereinafter - the Company) announces an electronic auction with lowering of the price during the sale of the asset, which will start on 24th of October 24, 2017 at 10:00 (Astana time) at web portal of the State Property Register Sale of the company's assets is carried out in accordance with the rules for the sale of privatization objects approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 9th of August 2011 No. 920 (hereinafter the rules) in compliance with the Regulation on Electronic Auction for the Sale of Property on the Web Portal of the State Property Register approved by the Board of Directors of JSC Informational - Accounting Center"( protocol dated by January 13, 2016 No. 77) (hereinafter - the Regulations). The following asset is exposed to an electronic auction for an increase in the price: thousand KZT

Name of the asset

Type of activity

Start price

Guarantee deposit

Minimum price


100% stake in the authorized capital of LLP Saryarka Agro. Astana, Saryarka District, Orlykol, 4

1. Supply and production of seed materials for agricultural products; 2. Purchase and sale of fruit and vegetable products and other agricultural crops; 3. Organization of logistics infrastructure of agricultural products




Registration of bidders is made on the web portal of the register from the date of publication of the notice on the web portal of the register and ends two hours before the bidding. Bank guarantee as a guarantee fee is not accepted. With a view to timely receipt of guarantee fees on the account of JSC "Information and Registration Center", it is recommended to pay a guarantee fee not later than three days before the deadline for the receipt of applications. In the event that the bidder who won the tender does not sign the protocol on the results of trading, the seller does not return the guarantee deposit. The protocol on the results of the auction is a document that fixes the results of the auction and the obligations of the winner and the seller to sign the contract of sale of the object at the selling price. The contract of purchase and sale with the winner is signed within a period of not more than ten calendar days from the day of summarizing the results of trading by the web portal of the register. With the provisions on the procedure for conducting an electronic auction, the procedure for registering participation in the auction, the conditions for determining the winner can be found in the Rules, which are publicly available on the website of JSC Information and Registration Center.

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