
Students need to develop soft skills

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Within the walls of the capital's universities, with the support of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken" were conducted trainings for students.

In today's world, it is important to constantly develop leadership skills and competitiveness. A sufficient number of relevant trainings and seminars are conducted in order to increase self-confidence and potential disclosure. For an entrepreneur and a person who wants to start his business it is extremely important to be successful in everything. The Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken" conducted a training for students of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov and the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University. Organizers note that today there is a wide range of training programs for professionals, middle and senior managers. However, young people, namely students who graduate from high schools and enter adulthood, are limited in obtaining elementary trainings based on knowledge and skills for a successful interview with the employer. And they often do not know how to make the employer remember them. Training for students was conducted by Gaini Duisenova, a person who has 20 years of experience in major international companies like Philip Morris and General Electric.

She conducted a training on the topic "How to pass the interview successfully", she shared with the students the basic rules for the interview. I told what to pay attention to when preparing for the interview, on the correct setting of questions to the employer and what sources to use when looking for work.

"I want to help students to get information about the companies that are represented on our labor market. I am glad that the students asked interesting questions, they were attracted to the subject. It was nice to look at their animated eyes and how they perceived my experience. They do not have such interactive communication, it is necessary to conduct trainings on the development of soft skills (personal skills). After all, they are just entering adulthood and they need to help them adapt to the environment so that they can further develop independently", - said Gaini Duisenova.

The students added that the training was useful and everyone who participated was able to extract something important for themselves. The cases that the business coach demonstrated were useful not only for the interview, but also for the development of personal growth.

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