
KUIS of MIA RK is in search for investors for the implementation of the PPP project

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KUIS MIA RK invites potential private partners for discussion of the project on modernization of the penitentiary system with the use of the PPP mechanism to attract potential private partners: reconstruction of the medium security institution for 700 places (female penal colony) in Almaty region. Competitive dialogue is organized to create optimal solutions for technical, financial, legal and other necessary parameters of the project, taking into account the needs and capabilities of each of the interested potential private partners. For detailed information, please call: 8 (7172) 72-30-04, 8 (705) 546-13-44 Tlegenov Askar 8 (7172) 72-30-08, 8 (708) 583-82-18 Aubakirova Adiya.

The project "Modernization of the penitentiary system with the use of PPP mechanism"

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