
The Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan is looking for investors

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The Ministry needs investors to create the Defense Industry Development Fund.

"Currently, the lack of a serious systemic approach to financing the defense industry enterprises as a whole hampers its development and improvement. The existing business support tools in the country do not cover the development of enterprises of the defense industry complex", - the ministry believes.

In order to solve the problems and develop the enterprises of the defense industry complex, the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan is proposing to create the Defense Industry Development Fund with the assignment of tasks on financial and non-financial support for the domestic defense industry complex.

The Fund is expected to implement the following main tasks:

  • increase the competitiveness, market value and profitability of defense industry enterprises;
  • stimulate development and introduction into the defense industry, results of scientific and technological activity, innovative processes and technologies;
  • participation in attracting investments into the Republic of Kazakhstan into the defense industry;
  • development and implementation of investment projects of national, interbranch and regional scale in the defense industry, participation in the development and implementation of programs for the modernization and diversification of domestic enterprises of the defense industry complex; assistance in the creation of laboratories, scientific centers, technological parks in the defense industry;
  • participation in retraining and advanced training of workers in regulated industries;
  • export support of enterprises;
  • participation in the organization of exhibition events for the promotion of defense products;
  • other tasks aimed at supporting the defense industry, which are not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"This request for expressing interest in the creation of a legal entity with more than fifty percent of shares (interests in the authorized capital) of which is owned by the state, is done through the implementation of the public-private partnership mechanism in accordance with the methodology for conducting a survey of product markets, where state enterprises and legal persons, more than fifty percent of shares (stakes in the authorized capital) of which belong to the state, and affiliated with them legal entities and (or) additional activities approved by order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by February 28, 2017 № 103 ", - summed up in a government agency.

For information contact: Head of Research Department Aliya Kipshakbaeva: phone: +7 (7172) 74-39-08; e-mail:

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