
Atameken and Kazakh Tourism have agreed on joint activities

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The first meeting on the activities of JSC “Kazakh Tourism” was held on 18th of October 2017, at the Atameken site, the first meeting was held on the activities of JSC “Kazakh Tourism” with the participation of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and representatives of the tourist business in the regions. At the meeting, an agreement was signed between NCE RK "Atameken" and NC "Kazakh Tourism" on cooperation in the development of the tourism industry. The main areas of cooperation are the development and promotion of the Kazakhstani tourist product; conducting analysis of internal and external markets and research, including the study of foreign experience; identification of the most promising target markets for the development of inbound tourism and the search for effective measures to enter these markets; joint activities in the interests of domestic travel business; providing information and analytical support for the tourist market, etc. Yuliya Yakupbaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken", and Askar Batalov, Vice Minister of Culture and Sports of the RK delivered welcoming speeches. "The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs together with the business community worked hard for the past two years to create the National Tourism Office. Today it was created in the format of the National Company. The business community and the industry as a whole put big stakes on "Kazakh Tourism". It should be characterised by transparency and mutual cooperation. I think, the agreement signed today will help us in this", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva. During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of JSC "NC Kazakh Tourism" Rashid Kuzembaev presented the main activities of the national company. Key areas of NC "Kazakh Tourism" include: marketing and promotion, information and analytical support, attraction of investments and development of competencies.

As it was noted by Rashid Kuzembaev, the National Company forms a unified policy of promotion of the Kazakhstani tourist product, within which a tourist brand of the country will be created. The emphasis will be placed on competitive tourism products of priority clusters, as well as 5 sub-brands: "Motherland of apples", "Tulip way", "Great Silk Road", "Altai - the cradle of civilizations" and "Domestication of horses", on the basis of which relevant thematic festivals "Apple fest", "Tulip Way" and others will be held.

"In general, we see interaction with business as a solid foundation for achieving our common goal of improving the competitiveness and visibility of the tourism industry. Taking into account the fact that the development of tourism affects many other sectors, Atameken is a unique platform for interaction between business representatives from related industries and the tourism industry, including Kazakh Tourism", - Rashid Kuzembaev said. ​

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