
The strategy of development of the power industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050 was discussed at "Atameken"

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A regular meeting of the Committee of Energy of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" took place

The regular meeting of the Energy Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" took place at Atameken today. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Energy Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Almasadam Satkaliev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov, representatives of the Ministry of Energy and National Economy of Kazakhstan, industry associations and entrepreneurs.

"Today there are new challenges. There are tasks that were voiced earlier by the country's leadership, ensuring reliability and the commissioning of new facilities, and on the reform of the energy market. NCE is doing great job in this direction”, - Satkaliyev stressed.​

The general director of LLP “Advantgarde Group” Ruslan Mukhamedov acquainted the participants of the meeting with the foresight of the development of the country's electric power sector until 2050, prepared by the consortium Advantgarde-SEEPX "Vision of development of the power sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050".

In his report, Ruslan Mukhamedov stressed the need to develop a new target model of the electric power industry for the medium and long term and presented the prospects for the development of renewable energy sources (RES).

Shaimerden Urazalinov, Chairman of the Kazakhstani Electric Power Association, believes that the strategy for the development of the energy sector should give an answer: how can Kazakhstan preserve coal generation, which makes up 76% in the country and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and how to solve the problem of modernization of old stations, especially responsible for production of heat and hot water.

"Operating time of 40% of the stations has reached more than 45 years, which of these stations should be preserved and which ones should be modernized in the medium term?", - he commented.

Participants noted that this project affects the interests of all parties: representatives of the industry, government agencies, and consumers, which requires a balance of interests. Accordingly, the parties consider, work on this project should be carried out jointly.

Presentation "Vision of the Development of the Electricity Sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050"

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