
The meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council of the EAEU countries will be held in Yerevan on 25th of October

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On 25th of October this year Yerevan will host session of Eurasian Intergovernmental Council with participation of Prime Ministers of EAEU member states A regular meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council will be held in Yerevan (Republic of Armenia) with the participation of the Prime Ministers of the EAEU member states. Within the framework of the meeting it is planned to consider and discuss a wide range of issues that are of great importance for further economic integration in the Union and a high degree of importance for domestic business.

The agenda includes the issue "On the Action Plan (Roadmap) for Elimination of Exemptions and Restrictions on the Internal Market of EAEU for 2018-2019", the work on which, in order to fully cover all the barriers existing in the Kazakh business within the Union, and their barriers the subsequent elimination, was imposed on NCE RK "Atameken". Based on the results of the work carried out, the Roadmap project, at the initiative of the Kazakh side, includes 4 obstacles - access to the market of alcoholic beverages of the EAEU, provision of transit of goods across the customs territory of the Union and identification of checkpoints when moving goods with a TIR carnet, as well as the need to improve the mechanism for exchanging information on payment indirect taxes in Member States. It should be noted that despite the work done by the member states to increase mutual trade and economic convergence, a number of issues still impede the unhindered work of the business of the member countries of the Union.

The goal of the Roadmap will be a phased resolution of existing issues and further deepening of Eurasian integration. At the same time, on 20th of October this year. the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev approved the Resolution of the Government of Russia № 1285 "On approval of rules for non-discriminatory access to services of natural monopolies in ports", which reflected proposals of the Kazakhstani business, repeatedly voiced by the National Chamber. During the EAEU meeting in Yerevan, it is planned to discuss further actions necessary to ensure unimpeded access of shippers of the member countries to Russian seaports.

In addition, the Prime Ministers of the Member States will consider the possibility of approving the Draft Agreement on Navigation, which determines the procedure and conditions for transit passage by inland waterways of the parties, as well as the carriage of goods, passengers and their luggage on adjacent inland waterways. Also on the agenda of EAEU is the discussion of the draft Agreement on the marking of goods by means of identification in the EEMP, which consists in acquainting the Heads of Governments of the Member States of the Union with the intermediate results of work in this direction. The joint work of the Prime Ministers of the EAEU member states should strengthen the existing achievements of Eurasian integration and give impetus to the continuation of the process of rapprochement of the member countries in mutual development in the Eurasian space.

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