
"Atameken" will connect Guangzhou industrial park and business of Kazakhstan

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Negotiations were held between NCE RK “Atameken” and the industrial park of e-commerce in Guangzhou. On 25th of October was held a meeting of representatives of the National Chamber of Commerce with the delegation of the Industrial Park of E-commerce of Guangzhou of the People's Republic of China at the Atameken site. Yuliya Yakupbaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Atameken, Managing Director and Director of the Department of Small and Medium Business Development of Atameken Dinmukhamed Absattarov, Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of RK “Atameken” Nuraly Bukeikhanov took part in business negotiations.

The delegation was presided by the head of the Chairman of the Industrial Park of e-commerce Guangzhou Xia Minhan. During the meeting, the two countries discussed cooperation in electronic commerce. Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted that the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with NCE RK "Atameken" is developing the Roadmap for the development of electronic commerce. The proposals of the National Councils are reflected in the advancement of the sphere of electronic commerce, which is one of the important areas of development. The Roadmap project consists of 7 sections and 30 events of which 13 events were offered by NCE RK “Atameken”.

"According to the official data of JSC Kazpost, China is the largest participant of postal items in Kazakhstan. We cooperate with various Chinese electronic trading platforms (, Jumore, etc.), cashback services, wholesale trading sites. The potential of China in this direction is very large", - noted Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".  

Cashback service is one of the popular ways to save money when shopping on the Internet. It gives an opportunity when shopping on the Internet, first go to the site of the service, and then from there to the desired store. The store sees that the service has brought him a buyer and allocates for it some percentage of its profits, the service shares some of this money with the client. Dinmukhamed Absattarov added that Kazakhstan's experience is important and interesting.

"China is the main economic locomotive of electronic commerce, where business is developing. At the moment we are studying the whole world experience, including the legislation of China, Chinese electronic platforms", - said the Managing Director and Director of the Department of Small and Medium Business Development" Atameken ".

Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of RK "Atameken" Nuraly Bukeikhanov added that "Atameken" is open for all opportunities that contribute to the development of entrepreneurship.

"Atameken has formed a regional business development map. This is a kind of online platform, which collected all the information about the business climate of regions and investment projects. They are also available for Chinese partners", - Nuraly Bukeikhanov said.

Chairman of the Industrial Park of e-commerce Guangzhou Xia Minhan said that they are ready to act as an operator in China to promote Kazakhstani agricultural products.

"There are zones on the territory of the technopark that specialize specifically in agro products. We also propose, directly through Atameken, to make technological assistance in the Internet commerce of businessmen. Provide support that will open access for Kazakh entrepreneurs to the online platform of other countries. We can collect a pool of investors from the Chinese side who are ready to invest in Kazakhstani projects",-  Xia Minhan shared the plans.

The parties also discussed the issue of information security, mutual tourism development, training of IFCA staff, opening of direct flights to Guangzhou and Shanghai, as well as ways to share experiences.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva stressed that Atameken is open to cooperation and signing a Memorandum of Cooperation with Guangzhou Industrial Park.

"We are ready to act as a bridge between the business of Kazakhstan and the Guangzhou Industrial Electronic Commerce Park", - Yuliya Yakupbaeva said.

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