
The Ministry of Health is ready to postpone the time for introduction of MSHI until 2020

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The burden on entrepreneurs will be leveled by reducing the social tax at a rate of 1.5% This was reported by the vice-minister of health Lyazzat Aktaeva. The change in the postponement of the time assumes the amendments proposed by the department in the draft law on taxation. "It is proposed to postpone the beginning of the provision of medical assistance within MSHI system from 1st of January 2018 to 1st of January 2020. To save until 1st of January 2022, the uninsured population the necessary amount of medical care at the expense of the state.

To postpone the beginning of payment of contributions to the MSHI system of the state for preferential categories of the population and contributions of individuals as of January 1, 2020", - Lyazzat Aktaeva noted. According to the proposed changes, employers will continue to pay deductions to the Fund in the amount of 1-1.5% until 2020. However, the vice minister stressed that business does not lose anything, since the burden on entrepreneurs on medical insurance will be leveled by reducing the social tax of 1.5%, writes NCE RK "Atameken" proposed the postponement of the introduction of the mandatory social health insurance system until 2020 with the goal of its completion and exclusion of negative impact on the business sector and the general population. In addition, since 2015, one of the initiatives of Atameken also concerned the reduction of the social tax rate.

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