
Charity in Kazakhstan will made systemic

- Atyrau Region
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The First Republican Forum of Tripartite Cooperation "ASAR" is held in Atyrau.

In Kazakhstan, it is required to adopt a number of legal and organizational measures to strengthen the motivation to manifest charity. This was announced within the framework of the 1st National Forum of Tripartite Cooperation "ASAR" on the topic "NGO-Business State: New Horizons for Cooperation", which started in Atyrau. The event was organized by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and akimat of Atyrau region. State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulshara Abdykalikova took part in the work of the forum.   During the plenary session, the participants exchanged views on a number of issues. Charity in Kazakhstan: the pluralism of opinions on the state and development vectors. Stimulation of entrepreneurs to responsible business conduct: impact on business and society. Social investments in the development of a small homeland. In his speech, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldar Zhumagaziev noted that, in general, the legal conditions in force in Kazakhstan today provide for the possibility of developing systemic charity. However, a number of legal and organizational measures are required to strengthen the motivation for its manifestation.

"The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs" Atameken ", representing the interests of the business community, often receives requests for financial and financial assistance for various reasons. We must understand that we are a non-profit organization. But in our power to organize a discussion, exchange of opinions among entrepreneurs, prepare recommendations and proposals. To promote the development of charity on a systematic and professional basis, the National Chamber launched a campaign "Atamekenim", which includes a number of activities: the formation of the Register of Social Problems, the discussion of measures to stimulate charity and social investments, and the development of relevant proposals. The sense of patriotism towards the Motherland, awareness of responsibility for the quality of life of our society became the main messages for the campaign", - said Eldar Zhumagaziev.

According to the member of the Board of the National Chamber, the basis of the campaign "Atamekenym" was based on the ideas outlined in the article of the Head of State "Bolashak bagdar: Rukhani zhangyru", which provides support for a small homeland, discussion of the range of issues on the development of social responsibility.

For today, about 970 problems are presented for inclusion in the Register of Social Problems in Support of rural areas. The register is available at The range of issues covers issues related to the improvement of rural areas, the problem of providing drinking water, lack of infrastructure for life support: reconstruction of water supply and sewerage networks of central sewerage, repair of roads, transportation, transportation of students, construction of mini-gardens, cultural clubs and others.

It should be noted that the work on the selection of issues and the formation of the Register will be carried out on an ongoing basis. Work is also continuing on the formation of an information case on the participation of entrepreneurs (employers) in resolving social issues and in order to popularize the practices of charity and social responsibility. Currently, a case has already been compiled about 240 practices of corporate social responsibility, which can serve as a good tool for motivating and training entrepreneurship subjects. In addition, according to Eldar Zhumagaziev, another problem is the absence in the society of the culture of charity itself.

"In developed countries, a charity culture has been taught since childhood. Today in Kazakhstan, the processes of the volunteer movement are gaining - charity holidays, races, concerts, sales. These mechanisms work poorly in our country. Another problem I would call the unwillingness of businessmen to disclose information about the financial side of charity. In this regard, I think it is necessary to develop a culture of charity, talk about positive charity practices, about the effect and impact on society that they have", - the Deputy Chairman of the Atameken Board emphasized.

At the end of his speech Eldar Zhumagaziev noted that today the private sector actively implements social projects and directs social investments for the development of regions, education, etc.

"We need to provide comprehensive assistance to business in these initiatives, conduct media campaigns, popularize best practices, and motivate businesses to actively manifest their voluntary social responsibility", - the National Chamber member said.

"Based on the ideas sounded today, we identified the most important areas: first, it is necessary to strengthen the exchange of information between the state, business and NGOs. Secondly, it is necessary to combine the databases of all existing social projects, so that everyone has an opportunity to get acquainted with them if necessary. And, thirdly, it is necessary to improve the competence and educational level of those who participate in the interaction of civil society and business. To this end, professional trainers were invited to the forum who will conduct master classes, seminars, and train the most advanced methods for interaction between business and NGOs", - said the Minister of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Yermekbayev.

Within the framework of the forum, a fair of social ideas and projects was organized. Further, an agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Civil Society and NCE RK "Atameken" was signed. The document provides for the further development of civil society institutions in Kazakhstan through consolidation of efforts in the implementation of tasks in the field of effective interaction between business entities and their associations with non-profit organizations. In general, 10 memorandums were signed during the event between business structures and NGOs for the implementation of joint social projects. It is expected that these agreements and memoranda will strengthen the partnership between NGOs and business.

In September 2017, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" launched a nationwide camapign "Atameken". The action is a direct implementation of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "Bolashak bagdar: rukhany zhanhyru" and is aimed at the systematic development of the culture of charity and social responsibility. The mission of the campaign is to popularize the idea of patronage and social responsibility of business. Show that the best investment is the support of rural areas and help the people in need.

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