
20 years since establishment "Atameken" congratulated KTZH and ANFFK

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Today on 1st of November was held the International Scientific and Practical Conference, dedicated to the anniversary of JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy "and the Association of National Freight Forwarders of Kazakhstan (ANFFK) under the title "20 years of creation. Strength is in unity".

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov on behalf of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" congratulated JSC "NC" Kazakhstan temir zholy" and Association of National Freight Forwarders of Kazakhstan on the anniversary. Established in 1997, "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" has become the locomotive of the country's economic development, the speaker said in a welcoming speech.

"A significant role in the successful solution of this task is given to the freight forwarding business, which makes a significant contribution to the development of the economy of Kazakhstan, to the development of the growing volumes of transportation, to the work of the national company "Kazakhstan temir zholy", and successfully cooperates with other organizations in transport", - vice-chairman.

The unification of forwarding companies into the Association of National Freight Forwarders of Kazakhstan 20 years ago became an important stage in business development - the formation of a new market-oriented forwarding industry in our country. ANFFK represents the interests of more than 80 successful forwarding and logistics companies in the market of Kazakhstan and abroad.

 "One of the great merits of the ANFFK is the creation of a specialized agency specializing in the Center for Transport Management and Logistics in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, which provides training and certification services for forwarding services according to FIATA international standards", - said Ramzanov.

It should be noted that with the support of the business, together with the state bodies of Kazakhstan, the National Chamber is working on the permanent basis to remove administrative barriers to doing business in the transport and logistics sector and to "audit" all the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a view to identifying norms that impede healthy competition.

In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan "Kazlogistics" Yury Lavrinenko noted that with the establishment of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the transport and logistics industry has significantly facilitated and strengthened. In addition, we note that the constructive relationship between Atameken and ANFFK allows to effectively solve both current and strategic issues of entrepreneurs of the freight forwarding business.

"With the active participation of ANFFK, the Law "On introducing changes and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on railway transport issues" has been developed and is being successfully implemented, the rules for the activity of forwarders on the railway. Transport rules for the operation of wagon operators (containers), rules for the carriage of goods", - said Eldos Ramazanov.

As a result of development of forwarding and carrier business in Kazakhstan today, about 98% of the volume of the market of freight forwarding services falls to the share of freight forwarders of the residents of the republic. Kazakhstani forwarders organize about 60% of export, 40% of import and 100% transit of goods transported by the railway transport of the country.

President of JSC "NC" KTZH" Kanat Alpysbaev made a presentation on "Tasks and Challenges for the Decade for the Implementation of the Transit and Transport Potential and Expansion of International Economic Relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The speaker noted that KTZH aims to accelerate the development of new technologies, the introduction of innovations.

"Currently, the company directly works with 17 provinces of China, in Vietnam, in Korea and with European countries. We promote regular container service and competitive terms. As a result of the work conducted, Kazakhstan on the China-Europe-China land route reached 70% against 12% in 2011. At the same time, new routes China-Turkey-Iran through Kazakhstan are being developed. Within the framework of the alliance, the East-West Corridor, the North-South and the Caspian Route together with partners are working to optimize the existing barriers when passing cargo along the entire transit corridor", - Kanat Alpysbaev said.

On 19th of May 2016 NCE RK "Atameken" and JSC "NC" Kazakhstan temir zholy" signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of entrepreneurship. The main goal is to support domestic producers of goods, suppliers of works and services. The agreement is also aimed at developing cooperation with business in order to increase the transparency and efficiency of ongoing purchases in the quasi-public sector.

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